As a highly ambitious leader you know how to get a TON of stuff done...
Creating (and filling) amazing programs, serving rockstar clients, investing in your growth (mentors, certifications, team)...
YAY YOU! No, really take a breath and celebrate how crazy cool, and adept you are at juggling all the things.
With that being said, let's be real here… frankly, you desire oodles more (money, clients, lives changed).
Secretly you know you’re stretched a bit thin (enmeshed in your biz, fighting with your spouse cuz you’re working late again, or showing up for your clients with your tank on empty).
When you look at growing your global movement you realize you’re going to need more TIME than 3D lack-based-linear time offers.
You’re not alone in this (ask me how I know), it’s become “normal” for high-achieving superstar practitioners leading a big mission to use hard work and heavy lifting to reach their targets leaving them depleted in the process.
I am a stand for a whole new paradigm of leadership where experts and practitioners are deeply re-Sourced, mega-successful, and energized.

Here’s a look at what my life as a rockin spiritual entrepreneur looked like BEFORE and AFTER the Magdalenes helped me bend 3D time and go Multi-D (multidimensional)
Hustle DO-DO-DO Danielle overworking at $25k months and OUT of time and energy to go to the next level
Spacious CREATOR Danielle resplendent at $100k months, time and energy-rich and regularly taking quantum leaps

Let’s be clear, I knew shifting my 3D time to a schedule that nourished my system was the next step to grow to an even bigger global movement, and no matter what I tried I wasn’t following through…
…until the Magdalenes shared with me the exact CODE to support my system energetically—which most likely isn’t what you think and is exactly what we’re laying down for you in this channeled masterclass.
Ready to upgrade your relationship with a whole new paradigm of time and grow your contribution multidimensionally?
It’s time to crack the code on 5D time and harness your energy to
create beyond what you could have ever imagined.
Here’s how we’ll roll:
You'll receive INSTANT ACCESS to CRACK the Multi-D TIME CODE with the Magdalenes and Activate the Birthright of Love, (one of the 20 Magdalene Wealth Codes), which is the key to unlock 5D Time and Take Your Life Back.
(Value $997)
During this channeled transmission you will:

Get ready to LEAP while you SLEEP
You’ll receive a Customized Multi-D Time Night Pod from the Magdalenes
Your personal Night Pod is created with your higher self, Danielle, and your guides remotely (your purchase of this masterclass gives your permission).
Before going to bed you will follow a simple protocol to amplify your personalized remote session.
8pm-8am your time zone
(Value $500)

Ready to UPGRADE to 5D Time
and Take Back Your Life?
If you haven’t experienced Danielle and the Guide's remote energy work and vortexes you are in for a treat as this is our highest level genius and is highly effective and deeply nourishing.
Dare to lead the evolution in consciousness as a re-Sourced, aligned, and
energized high-achieving practitioner and expert.
Secure YOUR Spot in the New-Paradigm of Time
(freedom, quality relationships, rockin mission).
Total Value $1497
Investment: $297