
The No Pain, No Gain Illusion

Illusion #7:

The No Pain, No Gain Illusion

“I have to have pain now to get the payoff layer” 

You know the saying… No pain, no gain, right?

It’s a broadly painted illusion in the old paradigm that struggle is necessary for success. Not only necessary but that it makes the success that much sweeter. A permission slip is given to appreciate things so much more when it’s hard to get them, or so the old story goes.

But is the old adage true for the rest of life, particularly for Multidimensional Living in Unity Consciousness?

Not a chance.

The old paradigm of survival consciousness places emphasis on the destination (in this case the new paradigm of multidimensional living and abundance) while sacrificing the journey.

Truth: Creating from struggle and pain imbues this energy onto your creations. While creating from a space of multidimensional abundance fills everything you create with infinite capacity – not just in the end, but the entire time.

When you write your book or build your program or offering while in the grip of this illusion, the energy of that lives in your work. Creating from the old-paradigm space of scarcity, power over/power under and pain means that no matter how magical your work is, it holds the energetic vibration of that constricted space.

This is why it’s so important to embrace your abundant, high vibe, multidimensional magic BEFORE you dive into creating your body of work. And that transformation is exactly why I’m here doing the work that I do!

With the shift in evolutionary consciousness, the prize is the path itself, and embodying the energies of the destination on your journey collapses time.

Guess what? When you do this – it IS like magic – because you get to live what you desire now, not later. And I don’t know about you, but that’s the kind of vibration I’m looking for in everything I do.

Remember- the path is not meant to be a treacherous one, with fearsome predators and threatening conditions that leave us battered and abused and depleted to the core. This whole belief that we must endure the pain now in order to embrace the ultimate payoff is firmly rooted in the old paradigm of power over/power under, scarcity and lack.

As a Multidimensional Being, you are meant to live in a space of abundance, creativity, inspired action and (last but not least) JOY.
Your success should feel GOOD, Ideally GREAT. Dare I say…even MAGICAL.

So, how can you tell if this illusion is active in your life?

Do you find yourself struggling on a regular basis with the work you are doing in the world?

Do you often think that things should feel easier or more gentle than they do?

Do you find yourself pushing yourself harder or longer than you should because deep down you believe that this is what is necessary in order to get what you want?

Here is the truth. Creating an opus level life comes from living as your multidimensional, opus level self – and multidimensional abundance is not created through struggle and pain. Exactly the opposite – it is rooted in joy, ease, and grace. AND, the more you embrace this, the faster and easier your progress becomes.

Conventional wisdom is wrong. You don’t need to feel the burn to reap the rewards and you don’t have to hurt in order to eventually, one day in the far off future, feel good.

You are a Multidimensional Leader. You get to feel good RIGHT NOW.


  1. Over the next few days, pay attention to times or spaces in your life where you are pushing yourself past the point that feels good, or telling yourself that you have to endure something in order to feel good later.
  2. Try experimenting with replacing those feelings with thoughts and activities that come easily or that help you to feel closer to your joy-filled Multidimensional Self. 

Illusion-Busting Mantra

“I choose to imbue my creations with new paradigm energy
of joy, ease, and abundance!”

What if you knew you could actually experience true Multidimensional Abundance – recapturing 40% more of your creative time with Divine Light Activation?

Turning on the 22 activations is like being in your personal energy vortex, you manifest at an accelerated pace. You draw to you optimal individuals who support your mission and you being in your genius. You are clear about what to say no to and what to say yes to, what is yours to be, do and have and so you stop procrastinating, spinning, or doing things you can do yet aren’t really your genius and take inspired action that creates worlds. 

Ready to make a massive shift into the Multidimensional Abundance that is your birthright? Email me (Danielle@divinetransmissions.com) and we will send you all of the exciting info on our Divine Light Activation so that you can create your next gain of an incredible environment of joy, ease, and momentum.

If you missed the previous illusion, click here.