
What I Have Learned About My Fears

We are going to take a deep dive into some of the common fears (illusion lies) I often hear around SCRIBING AND CREATING WITH SOURCE.

It may seem strange, at first glance, but for most who examine their reluctance to embrace the transformative power of scribing and creating with Source AS Source, there may be deeply lingering old paradigm fears lodged in their being.

The wonderful thing is that our programs are designed to complete these fears and blocks (more on that later!) and to bring you to a space of effortless creation.

But first, what has been stopping you and holding you back?

Over the years I have spoken to so many leaders, entrepreneurs, healers and highly devoted conscious beings like yourself, and some common themes rise to the top.

When it comes to scribing and truly creating their Opus Level Body of Work (the work you are perfectly designed to do, create and be) the fears can be intense, and perhaps even difficult to admit to.

How many of these sounds familiar to you?

  • The fear of being ostracized, cast out, persecuted or even killed, experiencing a public witch hunt, of being figuratively (or even literally in past lives) burned at the stake.
  • That if you expose your full potency and brilliance you won’t’ belong or will be in danger.
  • The fears stemming from ancestral memory or past lives (as a visionary, witch, medicine woman, priest, temple holder) that you endured pain or even death because of your gifts so you have shut them down (or you may even remember making an agreement to be the one to dole out the persecution so someone conscious and loving was there at these intense times) THESE can do a doozy on your relationship with your potency..
  • The spiral of shame that shows up when you begin to create with Source that tries to convince you that you’ve done something wrong, there is something inherently wrong with you.
  • The fear of getting it wrong or what will happen if you do get it wrong, that perhaps it could harm someone else, or even yourself.

Trust me, I know these fears – personally – inside and out. I can remember once, I led this amazingly powerful and transformational retreat. Clients were raving, this retreat had changed their lives. But after when I got home my slower vibrational thoughts and feelings (often protective programs) came to the surface with the icky feeling like I had done something wrong. EXPANSION followed by CONTRACTION.

I’ve learned that this experience (the presence of the fear itself!) can be one of the strongest indicators that I’m on the right track. And the good news, as you expand and grow into your Multidimensional leadership and into SCRIBING AND CREATING WITH SOURCE, the fears will lose their charge. When they pop up (and they will because of that cellular memory and collective consciousness) you can just say “Oh, there you are again, now let’s keep going”.

What starts to happen when you do the deep inner transformative work is you get more and more connected and relaxed in higher and higher states of goodness. Your set point evolves.

Here’s a tip you can use in the meantime. The larger and more visible the project, the more those fears like to raise their ugly heads, in those moments it is very powerful to ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that can happen?”, most often this can take the charge out of the fear.
This is really powerful to remind your body that this is a different incarnation with inclusion and acceptance for what has happened before.

Yes, it’s normal to have fears, but I want to remind you that the CREATION OF YOUR OPUS LEVEL BODY OF WORK IS THE FAST TRACK TO YOUR BESPOKE SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION.

Is this the year you’re choosing to fast-track and get your book, program, business, legacy opus DONE?  Send an email to my team at team@divinetransmissions.com with Ascended Master Academy and we’ll be in touch with more information (including some AMAZING early-bird bonuses).