Create your difference-making book, modality or program

Empowering seasoned and emerging spiritual growth adepts, coaches, practitioners, and experts alike to create your legacy work (life’s mission, book, modality, movement) and make the difference you were born for.

Welcome Divine Being

Danielle here, the Ascended Masters, and I are on a mission to partner with spiritual women to lead the evolution in consciousness together!

We’re accomplishing this by transforming 1000+ burnt-out, best-kept secret lightworkers into radiant prosperous spiritual leaders.

Perhaps you’re one of them?

We work with entrepreneurs, experts in your field (in corporate, educators, doctors), and spiritual growth adepts (retired, stay-at-home moms, personal growth devotees) alike.

Our genius is empowering you to embody your divinity, partner with Source, and create your legacy work, all while being spiritually and materially wealthy (connected to Source every day, thriving mission, opulent money, and time with loved ones).


Our goal is simple—You Becoming Your Fully Realized Self (enlightened & rocking your thriving global mission & life).

I haven’t always been the 7 figure spiritual leader you see today

I know what it’s like to…

  • Lay awake at night with the nagging sensation that even though I was doing great work I was only scratching the surface of the mission I came to earth for
  • Try all the things—marketing frenzies, working 24/7, pretzling myself into the latest 6-step system and diluting my message hoping that would be the magic bullet—to try to reach six-figures and beyond
  • Use/teach my mentors modality making a splash rather than creating the UNIQUE bodies of work only I could create, and the sweet relief and flow of perfect-match clients when I made the switch
  • Be burnt-out from overworking and trying to figure things out rather than tapping into my inner authority, partnership with Source and the guides for the fastest, clearest path

And today after 25 years of business and advanced spiritual work with the Ascended Masters…

…and learning hundreds of lessons the hard way…

…the guides and I are here to show you how much easier it can be when you create your most radiant life…

…and tap into your ascended masteries and grow (or start) your spiritual leadership with a movement making body of work.

Channel Your UNIQUE Opus Work into a Global Movement

Why are the guides and I so committed to empowering spiritual women to fully realize your highest mission?


The old-paradigm ways of overworking, overthinking, and overgiving are outdated.

It’s time for difference-makers and consciousness-raisers to do and be this as multidimensional Divine beings.


We are a stand for a new paradigm of leadership.

Where you are of highest Divine service while being abundantly supported—phenomenal money, radiant energy, soul-aligned relationships (team, clients, community)...
…and time to spend your way (3 day weekends with loved ones, travel to sacred sites, space to create).


Plus, it is non-negotiable for me to drop the body before fulfilling the mission I incarnated for.

My guess is if you’ve read this far, that’s true for you too.

Why choose to work with me and the Ascended Masters?

Our Divine to Divine Co-creative Approach. We partner with you from a place of equality, Divine to Divine, light being to light being.

You’re extraordinary, powerful, and up to amazing things, with a track record of success.

And so are we.

Being divinely matched in your brilliance by a council of light beings that see you, love you, co-create with you, and call forth your highest path in this lifetime is extraordinary.

We bring a sacred blend of

Higher Plane Feminine Energetics + Grounded Masculine Application.

We always focus on your spiritual evolution and Source connection—that is the deeper reason you’re called to work with us…

…yet let’s be honest here, how much good does evolving your consciousness really do for you and those you’re here to help if it’s not APPLIED to your daily life and higher calling in ways that you can feel and see (both inner and outer shifts).

  • Creative Project

    your book, modality, program, idea in your hands and touching the hearts of those you’re here to support, moving into your dream home, hiking the Camino—whatever lights your soul on fire.

  • Manifesting Abundance

    swoosh of cash, owning your dream home free and clear, creating a community of like-minded souls.

  • Partnership with Source and Guides

    embodying your divinity; spirit and higher self-led.


If you’re looking to take your seat on the council, at the round table based on equality to cocreate and lead together, then you’re in the right place.

When you choose us as your
mentors, you’re in great hands.

Embody Your Divine Self

If you’re on a path of ascension, who better than to mentor with but Ascended Masters.

You also get my expertise on your team:

You can think of me as half high-vibe woo channel and half ambitious legacy-work coach.

A sacred blend and match made in heaven if you also have two sides that may seem paradoxical—high performing + highly conscious.

A few things you might not know about me:

  • I love geeking out on all things entrepreneurial and have more than 25+ years of leading a thriving spirit-led biz.
  • I am an award-winning, best-selling author of multiple books and card decks.
  • Together with the Ascended Masters, we have created life-changing programs which generated millions in sales.
  • We’ve transformed the lives of thousands worldwide and empowered hundreds of lightworkers to create their UNIQUE businesses, modalities, books, card decks, and programs…who in turn have transformed many lives (happy dance).
  • I have certified hundreds of practitioners: massage therapists, Reiki Masters, and Quantum Light Practitioners™.
  • I’ve led dozens of sacred site tours to Egypt and Southern France.
  • I’ve invested thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars in high-level mentorship and business coaching.
  • I am highly committed to my spiritual evolution.
  • I love to stretch my capacities and our clients through immersion experiences like scribing a book with Source in 24 hours or hiking the Camino.
  • I feel happiest and most at home when I am with my Divine family (soul-aligned clients and community), sharing my gifts with the world, and hanging out with the Ascended Masters.
  • I am most proud of my loving partnership with my beloved husband, Dr. Friedemann Schaub.
  • Originally from the US in 2012, we followed our souls' calling and moved to the South of France, where we live on 10 acres with our family of more than a dozen four-legged friends (horses and cats).

Working together will be a match made in the Akashic Records if you:

  • Are committed to your spiritual advancement
  • Know you came to earth on a difference-making mission and are called to lead the new paradigm of higher consciousness
  • Desire to grow or start your spiritual movement at opus level
  • Are someone who leads yourself and loves creating in both the physical and higher planes with a track record of success
  • Have the commitment, time, energy and money to invest in your next level growth
Channel Your UNIQUE Opus Work into a Global Movement

Feel like we have a Divine
Appointment to Work Together?

We invite you to explore this site and go on a treasure hunt to see what jewels you’ve left for yourself to find.

We have an abundant array of books, online courses, and programs.

If you’d like to go deeper, the guides and I only work with a limited number of clients in our group programs and only three clients a year 1:1 to provide high-level bespoke energetic support required to create your dreams.

If you’re feeling called to mentor with us, please take a moment to...

With love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution in consciousness,
