
Meet Darlene Green


“Through my work with Danielle and Thoth I have unlocked my destiny, developed the capacity to connect with my guides, scribe on demand, and have written three books, fulfilling my soul’s mission.”

Connect with Darlene

Darlene Green’s Journey

Darlene Green is an empath, healer, teacher and established author. Darlene’s three book series, In Service To Love, is a dynamic experience of consciousness, transformation and enlightenment.

But just six short years ago, Darlene never could have imagined herself writing one book, let alone three!

Darlene was happily working in a Chiropractors office in Seattle, offering vibrational healing to world class athletes. She was following her heart’s song and at the time felt like she had found her life’s passion.

However, Darlene just couldn’t shake the sense of a deeper mission. Truthfully, she shares, this sense had been present just beneath the surface of her life ever since the age of four. This was when she first heard the voice of her council, who had offered guidance to her life ever since.

Despite her love of her work, in 2014, her calling depened, and Darlene felt pulled to a new space. She decided to answer that call and left her chiropractic job to explore life as an avid student of spirituality.

What she could never have predicted when she set off on that journey was that the answers to her questions would quite literally land at her feet.


Yet that is exactly what happened on one otherwise ordinarily yet ultimately transformational day. While Darlene perused the shelves at her local Barnes and Noble a copy of Danielle’s The Council of Light flew off the shelves, placing itself right at Darlene’s feet.

“When I saw that name as the book landed at my feet. I started to cry in recognition. I knew that, at that moment, it was my council that was speaking to me. When I picked up that book I was crossing over a threshold from which I would never be able to return.”

As Darlene dove into the pages of The Council of Light, she was filled with resonance. Everything in her being shouted YES. She felt at home, and that the pages of this book held the truths she had been searching for her entire life.

Darlene reached out right away to connect with Danielle, and found herself being met in ways she had never been before, but recognized at her soul’s deepest level.

Darlene’s journey with Divine Transmissions officially began. 

The gratitude that I hold for the master, Danielle Rama Hoffman, is beyond words.

It is extraordinary and seems like a destiny fulfilled. IT is a beautiful connection and sisterhood.”

Darlene started with Thoth’s Magic Academy, which she calls “a beautiful, beautiful process”.  As the program unfolded, Darlene felt her life unfold as well as she began experiencing greater ease, clarity, depths of experience, joy and peace.

On the surface, nothing was missing from Darlene’s life. But as an incredibly sensitive and intuitive person, Darlene shared that she had always lived in a deep chasm of disconnection between what she sensed and experienced in the world.

Everything changed after she found Danielle, Thoth and Divine Transmissions, this went way below the surface to connect with her on a soul level. After her first Divine Transmissions program ended, it was clear that there was more calling Darlene forward into deeper work.

Next up came a trip to France to discover herself as a scribe in the lineage of Thoth.

Before this trip, Darlene had never considered herself a writer or encountered the concept of scribing.  In fact, she’d often wonder how on earth anyone could come up with that many words at once! But she was so drawn to be in France with Danielle and Thoth that she followed her instincts and signed up.

Darlene was not disappointed.

“It was an extraordinary experience where I was met at those incredibly beautiful high-frequency spaces that only Danielle and Thoth could provide for me.“

When Darlene arrived in France she knew she was on her soul journey in a powerful way, but she didn’t know that it would mark the beginning of her true collaboration with the Council of Light. She reiterates that this only occurred because of the sacred space that Danielle provided and the ways she was supported in reaching the high-frequency place inside herself.

“I want to make it really clear how extraordinary Danielle Rama Hoffman is. There are many people that are very gifted on this planet and that are supporting the evolutionary process that we find ourselves within right now. Danielle is one of these. She holds a capacity to be able to bring the light of the Divine present in a way that it catalyzes the process for her own students. 

For anybody that is looking for guidance to their own soul’s purpose, or looking to play their own soul song, I ask that you definitely consider working with Danielle, she truly is a master in form that works with the masters in light, and it is a gift beyond compare.”

The experience in France and the Scribe program opened Darlene to the world of scribing. She began practicing, learning to read the fine frequencies of light available to her. Unfortunately, at the beginning of 2017, this progress was interrupted as Darlene experienced a traumatic car accident and sustained a head injury. All of her writing stopped.

Shortly thereafter, Darlene lost her father, and was seeking clarity and struggling once again to find herself. She found what she was looking for the day after Christmas that year, when she awoke to an extraordinary event she can only call exalted and sacred.

Darlene found herself surrounded by hundreds of masters from Jesus to Mary Magdalene to the Archangel Gabriel, The Council of 13, and felt completely held in the arms of love.

Everything within her vibrated in recognition that this held the key to her mission, finally, she had experienced the catalyzing event her soul had always been longing for.

This experience became an invitation to sit and scribe with the council every day for a year in collaboration. Darlene accepted the invitation and sat down at the computer. That very day words began to pour from her fingers, so unlike any previous attempts at writing, and yet here she was, fully scribing her legacy work.

From this moment she gave birth to her three books, while two other books remain waiting in the wings. 

“I want to make it really clear that the person that is pivotal in this whole process for me is Danielle Rama Hoffman without her mastery, I would not have been able to find my own. 

Danielle really has led me to my own destiny, and it has been absolutely exquisitely beautiful.”

With the gift of scribing fully open to her,  Darlene shares that she can now sit at her computer, center herself, and ask the Council of Light to be present. Every day is different, inviting her into the space of the unknown to discover the message of the day. Darlene explains that she experiences this as a tapestry of frequency held together by a thread of love.

“There is something that is extraordinarily not only magical but also divine that occurs within that experience. I am able to bring all of me into my expression, and to create the contribution that I’ve always known was available. 

The presence of love for me as I scribe is profound. I am held and buoyed in this love, honor, and reverence. Every day is an invitation.”

Because of her work with Danielle and Thoth, Darlene reports that that chasm of separation that she had experienced her whole life is now gone, because the separation between soul and experience has disappeared. Who she is in her essential self and how she shows up in the world is, for the very first time in her life, an absolute match.

Every day is new, Darlene says, with an expression of deep gratitude.  Her experience of peace is beyond measure, her joy is extraordinary, and she feels abundance on all levels.

Darlene says her life now is beyond rich, and she is in love with every day.

“The gratitude that I hold for the master, Danielle Rama Hoffman, is beyond words. It is extraordinary and seems like a destiny fulfilled. IT is a beautiful connection and sisterhood.”

When asked if she had a message to deliver directly to Danielle and Thoth, Darlene hesitates only to attempt to get her emotions under control. It is clear as she speaks that her words come from the deepest reaches of her soul.

“Danielle, my appreciation for you is something that exists beyond words. You have unlocked my destiny. Your book coming off the shelf at Barnes and Noble was a pivotal soul moment.

For that. I can’t thank you enough. I acknowledge who it is that you are and I am so gifted by your presence and by your love.

I am in deep honor and reverence each day as I sit down to write, understanding that there’s not one bit of this extraordinary experience that I take for granted. It is incredibly magical. 

My soul is in celebration. I thank you for you being you and having that then allow me to be me.”