
Meet Elizabeth Purvis


“Danielle’s the best at what she does, she really is. And she has such a grounded perspective. One of the things I love and appreciate her about her is how she really has a whole different level of Unity Consciousness mastered.”

Connect with Elizabeth

Elizabeth Purvis

Elizabeth Purvis is a seven-figure master business coach, metaphysical teacher, and creator of Feminine Magic. With over a decade in the industry, Elizabeth is the very definition of the Conscious Leader Danielle supports in her work.

Elizabeth works with experienced coaches, practitioners, healers, energy workers, and transformational leaders to help them scale to 100K months through high ticket programs without all the marketing stuff that zaps their energy (like webinars, launches, live events, and sales calls).

On a deeper level, Elizabeth calls herself a magician and says that the deeper work of magic is to embody your highest level work and your divine nature on the physical plane. She knows beyond a doubt that this is what is called for in our current elevation of consciousness.

And it’s this work and these beliefs that provided the perfect common ground for Danielle’s work and Elizabeth’s work to intersect, leading to powerful impacts on both sides.


Danielle and Elizabeth met many years ago when Danielle enrolled in one of Elizabeth’s programs. Elizabeth shares that she was working as a business coach at the time, but with a much earlier stage of entrepreneurs than she does now. She was also in a completely different space of her own personal growth and development. Elizabeth was already attracting leaders, like Danielle, but just beginning to encounter the magic, manifestation, and metaphysical side of her highest level work.

Although Elizabeth was well versed in Western magic, is an initiated Wiccan priestess, there was still a lot she says she had never been exposed to.

“I wasn’t familiar with unity consciousness and the terms used by Lightworkers. So when Danielle came into my field. I was like, oh my goodness gracious. Who IS this person? Who is this amazing being who really understands the stuff that I have been working on and embodying within a different capacity on a very deep level?  

I immediately felt this kinship with her

and instantly felt this energetic resonance, I also just really got how grounded in her own Divinity she was even back then.” 

Elizabeth was both very impressed with Danielle and very grateful to be supporting her, but she also knows that, even then, Danielle woke something in her.

“She pointed the way to where I was really supposed to go. One of the things that Danielle does is activate higher levels of your purpose and your genius work. And so she was doing that, even back then, just being a client in my programs.”

Even though she was in the coach seat in their early work together, Elizabeth shares that just being in Danielle’s presence was enough to activate her on a different level of purpose and divinity, although she didn’t realize the full impact of what was going on at the time.


After that program completed, Elizabeth continued her work in the coaching and manifesting world. She shares that when she began teaching manifesting, magic and becoming a Creator Being it was very focused on creating outcomes, what she calls ‘level one magic’.

“It’s why people are drawn to magic… they want to wave my magic wand and create the thing. And that’s really important. Yet, as I’ve gone along, as I’ve developed and things fell into play I knew it was time to shift to embodying and working with the next level magic of embodying my divine self on the physical plane.”

When it came time for Elizabeth to work with Danielle, she said it was a matter of instinct. She knew that if she was to continue doing the work she does at the highest level, she needed to be supported as well.

“It was just like, this is where I need to go. This is where I choose to go deeper and I know Danielle can do it.”

Because she was already familiar with Danielle’s work through their coaching work, she knew Danielle is very much in the ‘woo woo camp”, as well as being very grounded and embodies on the physical plane.

When Elizabeth got really clear on what her next step was she also knew that if she was going to work with someone, it would be someone who gets it on both sides of the equation, a mentor who can plant one foot firmly in each of these worlds.

When she seeks out mentors and teachers, they must have one foot firmly in each of the worlds.

For Elizabeth, Danielle was absolutely that person.

“Sometimes you step into things, without knowing why. When she was working with me, Danielle developed a program called Thoth’s Magic Academy, which I thought was just fantastic,cool and awesome.”

Elizabeth shares although this wasn’t her purpose for enrolling, she had been hitting particular money ceilings in her business, and in her own words, she was ‘over it.’

Much to her surprise Thoth’s Magic Academy helped snap her out of the blocks she was facing, and she was able to easily sail through the next money ceiling with the help of the program.

At the time, Elizabeth was experiencing a lot of ups and downs, and what she calls ‘money drama’, including clients not paying her for her services. With the help of her work with Danielle, Elizabeth drew her line in the sand and said ‘enough is enough’. She credits Thoth’s Matic Academy with helping her turn on the ways of being that created that transformation.

As Elizabeth and Danielle’s work together continued to develop, both together and individually, Elizabeth felt she was being called to create new next level manifesting work. Sometime toward the end of 2019 she had the sudden sense that it was time to invest in Divine Light Activation (DLA).

Elizabeth shares that she finished DLA right before a photoshoot. She was amazed to realize that everyone could see the changes in the new photos. Right after that, pieces of her own work began dropping in, and she started navigating the downloads and the work that developed from these.

“The Divine Light Activation material is incredibly effective at turning on a person’s divine, light being nature and really starting to flip the switch on who you be as that person.”


Next up for Elizabeth was Ascended Master Academy (AMA), which she stepped into in order to download her next level manifesting work.

Prior to AMA Elizabeth said she often dealt with what she says is a common conundrum in the business world… wondering if her real work was the magic or the business coaching. She was also grappling with worries that the business and coaching techniques she learned from others were truly ‘hers’.

In DLA Elizabeth began to unravel the interconnection between the business side of her work and the more ‘magical’ side of her work. She was able to let go of the idea her work on the business end of things was any less Opus than her work with magic and manifesting. This has only gotten more powerful through her time in Ascended Master Academy.

How did not being in that push-pull impact Elizabeth? Profoundly!

Removing herself from that inner battle freed up a tremendous amount of her energy that she could then use for creating, becoming more fully expressed and being in the world at her highest level. And by clearing and creating alignment, she has been able to create a tremendous amount of space for the reset of her manifesting work to drop in.

With the support of Ascended Master Academy Elizabeth, has already received major downloads of content and structure, not to mention a whole new level of confidence and trust on where this work is coming from.

“There’s a whole different level that comes through when you are partnering with Source in the way that Danielle and Thoth share, and it’s really powerful to see. And it’s just wonderful to have a container where I’m supported in being my divine nature.”

Beyond the personal impacts, receiving this support means that Elizabeth is able to support her own clients in doing the same – so the impacts increase exponentially.

“Danielle’s the best at what she does, she really is. And she has such a grounded perspective. One of the things I love and appreciate her about her is how she really has a whole different level of Unity Consciousness mastered.”

Elizabeth speaks candidly of toxic patterns often seen in the coaching and transformation industry, and how she believes strongly in breaking and dismantling those patterns. Danielle, she says, has already mastered breaking through scarcity and fear, and does not have other competing agendas running when you work with her.