7 Figure Spiritual Leader Podcast
With Danielle Rama Hoffman
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The Call to Lead the New-Paradigm: You Can’t Get Here (Multi-D) From There (3D)
“You can’t get here in 5D-multi-D leadership from 3D leadership. What got you to your current level of leadership isn’t what’s going to move the needle to get you into leading your global movement.” In this episode, Danielle shares her thoughts on how to lead an even more impactful global new thought Leadership movement and that…
The Magic of Your Own Modality to Call in Aligned Clients: A Client Spotlight with Denise Field
You have learned several strategies from your mentors over the years but are they working for you? It is time to stop copying your mentors’ modality, create your own body of work, and make the impact that you were born for. Soulpath Coach and Galactic Numerologist, Denise Field joins Danielle today to discuss the significant…
From Best Kept Secret to Highly Sought After Leader: 3 Keys to Increase Visibility
Do you ever feel like you are the best-kept secret? That your message is lost in a sea of copycat voices? You’re here to lead an even bigger global movement and in order for that to happen, you need to be visible to your perfect match clients. In this episode, discover the 3 key strategies that…
Stop Waiting and Start Creating
“When you create, you are engaged in an act of love. It is an act of love for yourself. It is an act of love for others.” – Council of Light Do you have a book that you are wanting to write, or create a course that will help those you serve, however you find…
Money in 2022 and Beyond: How to Stop Being the Bottleneck to Letting It In
Along with a larger global evolution of consciousness, there has also been an evolution of consciousness around money. Danielle and the Council of Light invite us in to take a look at the old paradigm of money as a survival tool and shift into the new evolution that is currently happening. Become further enlightened as the Money…
Spiritual Millionairess: How to Make Bank, Change Lives, and Be Radiant
In this week’s episode, Danielle is excited to discuss one of her favorite topics, the Spiritual Millionairess Leadership Codes. These codes can really help cultivate the triple-flame of abundance; that is to make bank, change lives, and be radiant in the process. Do not miss these highlights: 01:36 – Danielle explores what it means to…
Receive More without Doing More: From Burnout to Brilliant
“A big faux pas that I see is that oftentimes we give freely what we’re brilliant at to others, and yet, we don’t give it to ourselves.” What does “receiving more without doing more” mean? Receiving more yet doing a ton more will lead to burnout, depletion, and overextension but it does not have to be…
Multi-D Abundance: How to Create Simultaneous Abundance in ALL Areas
In this episode, we bust the illusion lies of feast and famine cycles (where money comes in and goes right out), trading one form of abundance for another (your biz is booming but your fighting with your spouse/family cause you’re working another 12 hour day) and working harder is required to make your next leap.…
The Expansion Spiral: $100k Paydays Without the Contraction (Part 2)
In part two of the Expansion Spiral, Danielle continues the discussion to help bring you into alignment with your higher consciousness to take you to the next money level. She delves into the descension, ascension, descension spiral and how it is the shift in focus to the grounding and integration and that is what really…