Welcome to the 7 Figure Spiritual Leader


Welcome to the 7 Figure Spiritual Leader Podcast with host, Danielle Rama Hoffman. Danielle is a legacy-work coach, 3x best-selling author, and a 7 Figure Spiritual Leader herself. 


In this podcast debut, Danielle shares the story of her journey from counselor to healer to spiritual leader. It wasn’t until she discovered the energetic secrets to embodying money and fully occupied her seat as a spiritual leader that she finally broke through her money ceilings of 6 figures and now has a 7-figure movement. There is a new paradigm of Unity Consciousness that we all should be reaching for, and this podcast is the first step in challenging your beliefs and stepping into your role of growing your spiritual leadership and meaningful business in a way that lights up your soul so you can make a ginormous difference in the world. 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine. 


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© 2021 Danielle Hoffman

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman. Your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Each episode my guides and I plus my favorite six and seven figure experts will bring you energetic shifts and outer strategies to amplify your money spiritual leadership, and one of a kind can't wait to get out of bed aligned legacy movement. If you haven't already, be sure to claim your free gift the three energetic shifts to seven figure consciousness. Go to DanielleHoffman.com/gift to unlock your seven figure money consciousness today. Now let's dive into today's episode.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Hello, and welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader. I'm Danielle Rama Hoffman, Three Times Bestselling author, legacy work coach and seven figure spiritual leader, really, from my heart to yours want to welcome you to this podcast, which is your go to high vibe triple flame on all things money, spirituality and leadership. I'm on a mission and if you found yourself here, I know that you are to now have a mission to raise consciousness on the planet and to raise consciousness on the planet in the new paradigm way, which means without overworking feast and famine cycles. And really, that that sense of perfectionism. So if you found yourself here, I'm going to first say to you, you're in the right place, I know that there's vibrational recognition there synchronicity, and that you may already know me or you may be just getting to know me, but just take a few moments to arrive and just say, Okay, I'm in the right place, I found myself here. And there must be something here for me. And as I'm welcoming you into this space, I'd like for you to imagine that you're taking your seat at a table, you're taking a seat, at a council of around table discussion, that this table is based on equality. This table is based on divine to divine peer to peer equanimity, that you are contributing to the evolution in consciousness. I'm contributing to the evolution in consciousness. And it takes all of us to raise consciousness on the planet together. And what I've come to to know and if you're new to me, I've been an entrepreneur since the early 90s, in the healing arts, and have had this beautiful journey of just following the next Yes, the next Yes, the next Yes.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

I'm so grateful to have been on mission for a long time and have always really known that I'm here to help to contribute, and to also be from that place of the new paradigm in order to contribute more. As a part of my journey, I came to realize that that not only included being adapted my gift and being able to help others, yet also that I was really coming from a place of overflowing, coming from a place of bounty coming from a place of surplus coming from a place of abundance. So if you don't know my story, I started as a therapist and Women's Studies major and I worked as a counselor in a battered women's shelter. And then I went to massage school and became a part owner of massage school and then did my Reiki training and had kind of like a PhD like many of you have taken a lot of trainings and sessions and books and so on and so forth. And and then began always teaching and having sessions and then had my first book and second book and lead towards the Egypt and fast forward 25 years later, this beautiful evolution and especially being adapt in steeped in the spiritual community and the energy work community.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

I really noticed a lot of the old paradigm aspects of the healer energy and that also put money at the bottom of the barrel. And I know for myself, I had a lot of no matter what I did, and I worked full time right away. So I was very grateful. I was at the 60k mark for year after year after year after year. And then I finally had a breakthrough to my first six figures. And it just doesn't need to take that along. And I've also been very steeped in the coaching community business coaching, I love entrepreneurialship, I geek out on all things entrepreneur, I'm very Woo, and at the same time have my feet firmly planted on the ground. And when I started to notice as I had kind of these two overlapping circles, of let's say, the business entrepreneur, community and the spirituality community was this, this intersection this vesica Pisces, and I began to feel like, I didn't quite fit in the, in the, in some of the energy work or world. Because I was talking about marketing, I was very ambitious, I was making a lot of money.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

And I also had some experiences like a lot of us have like, Well, you can't do that, Danielle, or what are you talking about, or that's not spiritual, or any of those kinds of things. And then in the coaching world, I also had that sensation that I didn't totally fit. Although there was the ambitious side and the entrepreneurial side, that there was a times to me this, this sense of the the connection to source and spirituality that that was missing. And so this seven figure spiritual leader podcast has really been birthed from the recognition of, of the hybrid of these are just two examples. And yet, if you're here, you most likely have your own two examples of that. The hybrid of the new paradigm spiritual leader, and I've been teaching with my guides, Thoth and the Council of Light, about unity consciousness for a long time now. And unity consciousness is a new paradigm, there's lots of ways we could talk about it yet the guides really talk about it in terms of, there's not much more to be garnered from the old paradigm of forcing, struggling, surviving, lack fear, doubt, we repeated those repetitive patterns over and over and over again, there's not more to be garnered from that we, we are, we've learned everything there is from it. And there's actually much more to be garnered from being in Unity Consciousness from being in a state of love being in a state of abundance, being in a state of CO creation, not competition. And so to me, it's it's not in alignment, to be in Unity Consciousness are really a stand for this, where there isn't enough physical plane support for your mission, that if there's not enough money, if there's not enough energy, if there's not enough support, that your mission requires more than just you, so to me, it's not congruent, to have that, to be contributing without that energy of surplus.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:

Now, just like me, you may not know how to get there, I didn't know how to get there. And when we're going to have plenty of physical playing strategies and energy shifts in this podcast, I invite you to think of it like mini master classes or mini workshops. So you walk away with something, you walk away with an energy shift a perception shift, that it's it's here for you and to to recognize that even if you may not know how to get there, that that doesn't mean that you're you're not choosing to open up to a new paradigm way. And that answer is this new paradigm of business in unity consciousness, then we also get to approach our business as entrepreneurs and our missions in a whole new way. And really amplifying the higher consciousness stuff that we we know and we're up to so that we can be receiving more without doing more that, that we can be utilizing our connection to source and partnering with source that the seven figure spiritual leader is all about partnering with source to co create really your legacy this and specifically what I I help entrepreneurs with and coaches and leaders and consciousness is partnering resource to describe your client attracting world changing book. And then also to create your legacy business. And so for those of you that are highly ambitious, and you've been, you know, all the marketing stuff, and you've been doing your business stuff, and yet you've been keeping your spirituality outside of that intersection of the two, then to me, again, that's not congruent. And sometimes you get into marketing frenzies and action taking and staying up late and beavering away at things and only if I could get through my to do list and I've got this and trying new strategies and, and really, there's nothing missing in terms of of your physical plane action, what's missing is the energy, the energy and the alignment of what you're doing in the higher planes in the physical plane and vice versa.

Danielle Rama Hoffman:, the:Danielle Rama Hoffman:

So as you tune into these episodes, you can expect not only to receive, again, physical plane strategies, and also energy shifts. And I just invite you as we're wrapping up here to notice how you may have felt when we began, and then how you feel now and to notice that there's energy here. There's excitement here that you have been asking for this, that to me, I see this podcast and I mean this really from a very grounded place, not from an ego place. Yet I see this podcast as a response to your asking your prayers your calling, and that you have a vibrational recognition that you're in the right place. So let's do this together. Let's raise consciousness on the planet I already know you're extraordinary already know you're amazing already know you're up to big stuff big things on the planet. And so this podcast is not about fixing you or trying to make things a problem that are, it's more about adding adding the new paradigm, adding the new paradigm and making those two degree ships or small changes that open big doors. So sending you a wave of love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution in consciousness and can't wait to see you for the next seven figure spiritual leader podcast. Bye for now.