The Conscious Leader

Birth your legacy work from your Divine Genius

Coaches, healers, authors and spiritual leaders…

Ready to unleash the power of your unique genius, fast-track the creation of your legacy work (book, program, business), the Opus-level work you’re here to do and ONLY you can create? To birth your unique, paradigm-shifting, opus-level, contribution on the spiritual and earthly planes and go from 6 to 7 figures, and amplify your spiritual potency (connected to Source and your Divine-self every day) TOGETHER?

Purchase now for $77

It’s time to create impact on a massive scale, the high-vibe way...

Dear Conscious Leader and Spiritual Entrepreneur,

Are you more than READY to bring through the book, modality, program, business that is TRULY your legacy, but you keep getting stopped


  • …fears that you will get it wrong or it’s all been done before, or that you’ll be ostracized or kicked out of the tribe.
  • …endless hours staring at the computer trying in vain to figure out how to do “good” work that you don’t have time or space to tap into your true genius.
  • …the feeling that you just need to take another program, read another book, or endlessly search for the secret recipe instead of creating the work only you can create.
  • …managing your team, teaching your mentor’s modality, pouring all your time and energy into your clients, checking email or Facebook 1000 times/day.

How cool would it be if you could easily download your Legacy Work
from higher consciousness, operating at your Highest Level Genius ONLY?

Don’ t let another nanosecond go by with the aching feeling that comes from not birthing your legacy work – work ONLY YOU can create – into the world.

Be the first to take your seat on the Conscious Leaders Council:

It’s time to CREATE with Divine Consciousness, UNLEASH THE POWER of your unique Genius and the UNLOCK the exponential success that comes from UNVEILING Your legacy body of work.

  • Get IMMEDIATE access to specific new paradigm strategies, grounded tools, and higher consciousness from top experts, authors, channels, and coaches.
  • Create and move YOUR unique body of work into the world THIS YEAR, not next year or the next or…
  • Align with YOUR true Divine Genius so that you can do the work you are here to do.

Purchase now for $77


Is this you?

  • Do you feel the deep discomfort and inner urgency from not doing your true legacy work in the world, knowing deep down there is more (impact, influence, abundance) you’re here to create?
  • Do you often feel like the world’s best-kept secret, lost in a sea of copycat voices, knowing it’s past time for you and your soul work to stand out in a crowded market, fully visible as a pioneer in the evolution of consciousness?
  • Are you tired of endless seeking, teaching your mentor’s modality or searching for the answers in yet another book that promises the secret recipe, rather than creating your own book, modality and legacy work?
  • Are you continually frustrated to find yourself spending 50% or more of your day OUTSIDE your true zone of genius (checking your email, procrastinating, managing your team) and watching another year go by without creating your highest-level work?
  • Do you secretly know that you CAN’T birth your legacy from a diluted version of your Divine Genius (your UNIQUE highest level contribution), and that it’s time to put down outdated tools, modalities and even the GREAT work you’ve created so far and go OPUS?

You know, deep down, that you have the capacity for so much more, if only you could access the immense untapped potential of your Signature Divine Genius.

  • You have a deep, nagging knowing that you’re just scratching the surface of the full impact of your capabilities as a Conscious Leader.
  • You’re tired of devoting yourself to work that you KNOW is not born from your highest level mastery.
  • You know that NOW is the time to break into a brand new territory!

Guess what? Your Divine Genius is the Key!


Here is just a sample of the powerful wisdom you’ll accumulate during this master class series…

  • How to connect to your Guides and Your Higher Self to effortlessly scribe your bodies of work.
  • Learn to channel and access clarity on demand.
  • How to use the power of the Akashic Records to identify your Divine Genius and scale your business.
  • How to create your schedule and hire the right team so you stay in your ZONE of Genius.
  • How to use higher consciousness and business strategies to grow your list of perfect match clients eager for your legacy work.
  • How to rewire your brain for love and feel safe being HIGHLY visible and stop putting one foot on the brake and one on the gas.

During this FREE 25-Day Masterclass Series you will gain…

  • Direct energetic and strategic guidance to enable you to IMMEDIATELY tap into the palpable dormant potential that lies within you.
  • The CLARITY, COURAGE, and COMMITMENT to embrace and create your Conscious Leaders Legacy via the potency of your UNIQUE DIVINE GENIUS.
  • The ability to not only identify and actualize your unique Divine Genius but also to take it further, faster than you’ve previously realized possible.
  • The ability to not only identify and actualize your unique Divine Genius but also to take it further, faster than you’ve previously realized possible.

You ARE a Conscious Leader:

  • You are a high achieving coach, entrepreneur or master healer ready to lead a movement.
  • You are a spiritual pioneer or new thought leader dedicated to evolving consciousness, and you know deep down that you have something unique to innovate and build in this lifetime.
  • You are deeply committed to expressing your Conscious Leader’s legacy – it is non-negotiable for you to do otherwise.
  • You know, as a Divine being, there is an entire universe of untapped resources inside of you and all around you and using this energy and consciousness is the fastest track to realize your ultimate vision.
  • You’ve always known you are unique, that you have something to contribute that is different than anything that currently exists in the world, and you’ve longed for guidance to help identify and amplify those gifts.
  • You are a born innovator and you’re ready to take a stand, calling in your highest purpose and your unique Divine Genius to life to create massive results.

As a Conscious Leader, you possess a potent combination of a powerful spiritual side and an innate practical power.

In this masterclass series, we are going to give you the


bringing these two pieces together with a whole new level of ease so you can EXPONENTIALLY amp up your power AND your results at the SPEED OF LIGHT.

In this amazing experience you’ll get:

  • Proven tools and guidance of top-tier coaches and entrepreneurs to help YOU unlock the secrets of YOUR Divine Genius.
  • High vibe consciousness and clarity offered by the innovative wisdom of spirit guides to help you identify and amplify your unique Divine Genius.
  • A conscious unification of experiential courses, by the best-of-the-best, in one classroom.
  • A life-changing experience, allowing you to access a higher level consciousness and preparing you to step into your birthright as a Conscious Leader.

Get Ready to…

  • Activate the infinite potential of Conscious Leadership to create significantly increased income in direct alignment with your soul’s purpose.
  • Gain the tools to spread your message in the world, reaching more people and creating a significantly greater impact than ever before.
  • Unlock your infinite possibility by partnering with your higher self and your own council of guides to reach your purpose in a fraction of the time.

It’s time to CREATE an IMPACT on a massive scale, the high-vibe CONSCIOUS LEADER way.

It’s time to STEP INTO YOUR DIVINE ENERGY and CREATE with DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS to bring forward your highest contribution and birth your conscious leader’s legacy.


Meet Our Leadership Panel


Your host


Eugenia Oganova


Christy Whitman


Lisa Barnett


Gene Ang


Anaiya Sophia


Dr. Gary Sayler


Lauren Galey


Denise Field


Kevin Moore


Michelle Vandepas


Sheila & Marcus


Anrita Melchizedek


Michelle Barr


Sheryl Ann Noday


Jocelyn Mercado




Elizabeth Purvis


Karen Parker


Tina Forsyth


Daniel Scranton


Elizabeth Wood


Linda Star Wolf


Julie Dittmar


Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Choosing to take your seat as a Conscious Leader so you can fast-track birthing your legacy the high-vibe way?


Danielle Rama Hoffman is a 7 Figure Spiritual Leader, Legacy-Work Coach, and International Channel of Thoth and the Council of Light, as well as the 3x #1 Amazon bestselling author of The Tablets of Light, The Council of Light, and The Temples of Light.

She helps coaches, healers, and change agents to partner with Source (as Source) to create their legacy work (books, programs, businesses) and add 100k paydays from it whenever they choose without overdoing, leaving their zone of genius or taking years to get it done.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.

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