
Creation Confidence

CREATE AND SCRIBE WITH SOURCE SERIES is in full swing, and I feel a raising of vibration just asking you this question….

How would it feel if you knew in your bones that you could consistently, predictably and rapidly create projects, programs, and content on-demand, EVERY SINGLE TIME?

I know that the first time I realized that it could be this way, I felt a huge rush of relief AND a wave of absolute JOY. 

But instead of joy and certainty, what I often hear from many of you is that the whole creation thing feels more hit or miss, with a lot of wasted time, self-doubt, and starting over (and over, and over, and over). 

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? 

What if you could leave the late nights, false starts, and mountains of resistance behind, FOR GOOD?

What if there really was a way to leave that creation frustration in the dust and embrace the magical creator that has ALWAYS been within you?

What’s the answer? You probably guessed it – SCRIBING!

Scribing gives you — as a Multidimensional Light Being — the opportunity to partner with Source to create an unending fountain of ideas, inspiration, AND aligned creation. 

How does scribing end creation frustration?

  1. Instead of fighting your inner resistance or waiting for some sort of external muse to show up when she feels like it, scribing allows you to harness a CONSISTENT and PREDICTABLE source of creation. 
  2. The pressure is no longer on you and you alone to come up with all the ideas and inspiration, by partnering with Source – all the ideas you could ever need flow to you (and through you) multidimensionally, like a well that never runs dry! 
  3. Scribing creates a steady and endlessly increasing trust – both in Source and in yourself – which in turn means that with practice, resistance fades entirely and the entire process becomes EFFORTLESS. 

Can you imagine sitting down before an appointment or presentation with absolute trust that through scribing and channeling, the exact right words will come to you with perfect timing? 

Can you imagine deciding you want to create your own, unique, magical card deck and finishing the ENTIRE process three days later, without a moment of stress or doubt? 

Can you imagine having complete faith that you will be able to produce a BRAND NEW book each and every year?

This is the reality for me and for so many of my clients who have embraced scribing. 

If you are ready to embrace your future as a magical creator, you won’t want to miss this!


Think of it as the ULTIMATE HOOK-UP to Source where you will:

CREATE your Opus Level Bodies of Work (books, modalities, programs, conscious leader’s legacy) partnering with Source as Source. 
UTILIZE your Scribe Ascended Mastery to conceive, develop and birth content on-demand—anything, anytime, anywhere—shaving days, weeks, months and years off your timelines. 
CULTIVATE your adeptness to confidently and deliberately CREATE opus-level projects in 3D (realizing energy into form) as a Magical Creator Ascended Master.
EXPERIENCE CREATION labs, quests and use challenges, games, pods and high-intensity environments to call out more within you than you realized was possible. 

No matter if your current creative energy is feeling like a bullseye or a tornado – THE ASCENDED MASTER ACADEMY is your straight shot to fully become supercharged and SCRIBE AND CREATE WITH SOURCE. If reading this is creating a tingle of creative excitement in YOUR Multidimensional being the way writing it is creating an energetic wave in mine, just send an email to my team (team@divinetransmissions.com) with the subject line HOOK ME UP and we will send you all the juicy details about Ascended Master Academy, a year-long high-level mastermind in-depth partnership with Thoth.