Highest Contribution Activation
Create a quantum leap in fulfillment, freedom & flow with your UNIQUE Divine Design leading the show…
…without staying stuck in your zone of excellence, starting from scratch or playing by someone else's rules.

“I am so grateful to be SEEN so completely by you, Danielle, and the Guides. You totally see me and get why I'm here. And that did something inside me. Can't say I've ever felt the depth of being Received, as I did... and I am fully fueled to take my seat at the table now!”
Reaching and transforming the lives of everyone who encounters your Unique Genius
Going from hanging back on the sidelines to the leading go-to expert and innovator in your family, community or industry
Being championed by resplendent energy, money, time, and relationships AND
Having the undeniable joy that comes from leading a meaningful life and sharing the legacy contribution you know you’re here to steward
At this juncture in the evolution of consciousness on the Earthstar, there's a call to upgrade into the sweet spot of your highest contribution to…
Be fully backed and championed energetically by your Unique Divine Design (natural strengths, genius gifts & abundance channels)
Shift out of forcing yourself to do it somebody else's way, pretzeling yourself into someone that you're not, and pretending that you are not an extraordinary, divine, higher self-being in form
Complete pesky limiting beliefs and survival consciousness conditioning (what we call the slower vibrational body, mind, and emotion illusion lies) that can lead to having your foot on the brake
Fully being in the flow, being buoyed, being supported to share your highest contribution (which most likely you've been on the path for a long time, and yet there's been some kind of resistance or reluctance)
You’re here to lead, innovate, and manifest an extraordinary work and life—a path you’ve been on for quite some time…
You’ve dedicated your life to being of service to your family, community and the Earthstar—and you continue to prioritize your relationship with Source in order to clarify your divine assignment and tap into your spiritual gifts
You’ve likely spent decades honing your expertise in a particular field. Thousands of hours spent developing your material skills as a real estate agent, teacher, doctor, engineer, or entrepreneur for example.
Perhaps you’re already forging new paths, pioneering, innovating, and making a difference in emerging areas within your field—or exploring new ways you can contribute to your family and lead your community
And you’ve likely received many accolades and appreciation for all you've been up to and all that you’ve contributed so far
And you know it's time to be in the opus, to be in the genius, and bring forward what it is that you really came here for
Maybe you're in your fifties, sixties, mid-life, and beyond. Maybe you're earlier in your in your life cycle. Maybe you’re at the peak of your career, maybe you’re retired.
You're here to bring something new to the planet in a way that makes a profound difference.
You have a genius, a vision for your life, a contribution that you're here to make that feels deeper or bigger than what you’ve accomplished up until now.
You have unique strengths and wiring that feel untapped.
AND within you have the key that will unlock your extraordinary work and an abundant life to match.
If you’re so over, looking outside of yourself for answers or trying to pretzel yourself into somebody that you're not…
…NOW is the time to come home to your highest contribution, fully championed by the vision that your highest self has for this phase in your lifetime

Highest Contribution Activation
Create a quantum leap in fulfillment, freedom & flow with your UNIQUE Divine Design leading the show…
…without staying stuck in your zone of excellence, starting from scratch or playing by someone else's rules
Ready to Activate Your Highest Contribution?
In the Highest Contribution Activation, you will:
Uncover and attune to your UNIQUE Genius (a blend of your established expertise & your leading wave Highest Self's mojo)...
Supercharge your extraordinary life purpose with your Divine Design (unique strengths, superpowers & wiring) to quantum leap into your next level of meaning, fulfillment, and freedom
Complete the secret energy leaks (e.g. deferring to others, fear of claiming your power, & compare and despair) & turn on your highest vision (inner and outer shifts) to fulfill your NEXT LEVEL Divine Assignment—a path you likely are already on and have been for some time
Activate your inner authority, sovereignty & discernment to forge your Highest Self-led life & contribution and quantum leap into meaning, freedom, and flow
...without trying to fit into someone else's box when you're here to ADD to and LEAD your industry, family or community beyond what has already been done before
...without over efforting and overthinking your next move
...without losing momentum, being distracted by focusing on too many things, or staying stuck in your zone of excellence.

“I feel deeply witnessed and understood in my fullness—my mastery and where I need support and recalibration. YES, YES, YES Thank you Danielle, and the guides for this treasure of support.”
- Highest Contribution Alumnus
Here’s How We’ll Roll
The Highest Contribution Activation is a self-paced journey that the guides and I lovingly downloaded and designed to include the cream of the crop of what we've been up to behind the scenes with our clients in our more in-depth containers over the years. We brought them together in a way that is accessible to you.
Special Note: While these milestones are presented in a sequence, we created them in a way that you can complete the curriculum milestones in any order and on YOUR schedule/time zone (groovy, right?)

milestone 1
the map of your UNIQUE strengths, wiring, superpowers & highest self's vision, mission & contribution in this lifetime
(VALUE $997 USD)
Get instant access to:
- Your FULL Unique Divine Design Chart & Module
- Written Descriptions & Laser Audios
- Guided Meditation
This is a rare opportunity to access the full Unique Divine Design chart without being in our more in-depth signature programs that cost thousands.
First, you'll get immediate access to your Unique Divine Design chart through our simple-to-use app.
Your chart reveals your highest self's Divine calling in this lifetime in 6 areas—genius, vision, mission, abundance key, Divine design type & contribution.
You'll receive an energetically imbued written description in each area that includes:
- How you're uniquely wired (your strengths, superpowers & gifts, and the best ways to express them) and the potential pitfalls if you stay in the challenge side of your gift.
- And a laser audio channeling to move from the challenge side of your gifts/design into the gift side and mastery of your chart.
You'll also receive a channeled guided meditation to calibrate to your Divine Design chart & be energetically buoyed by your unique design.
This way you build a personal relationship to your superpowers and can supercharge your highest contribution by being in the vortex of these higher energies. Creating your own personal energy vortex and council of support as you move throughout your day and life.
Your Unique Divine Design Chart will help you get remarkable insights into your unique wiring and natural strengths.
Imagine FINALLY kissing goodbye to pretzeling yourself, trying to follow a seven-step process that doesn't fit you or making yourself wrong because you're different.
If you’ve previously downloaded the Unique Divine Design Chart that’s available as a free gift, get ready for a special surprise because THIS is the full version!
This is the same system (based on Divine Light Activations and Divine Numerology) that has been our guiding light behind the scenes since 2016 and has led our clients to phenomenal results…
…and is your blueprint to owning your uniqueness and soaring higher where you may have felt different, or lost a ton of energy, time, and money because you were trying to fit in.

"I just love having so much insight into my Unique Divine Design chart and more information on my ascended mastery – it helps reframe the way I look at everything I do and removed so much of the stress and comparison/low self-esteem, allowing more room for joy, excitement, and creativity!
Thank you SO much, Danielle! This has been unbelievably amazing and helpful!!"
- Highest Contribution Alumnus

milestone 2
Visionary Heart Activation and Masterclass
Tap into the highest vision of your heart & revolutionize your relationships (with self, others & Source) to equanimity & empowerment.
(VALUE $997 USD)
Get instant access to:
- 75-Minute Video Activation Channeled by the Guides
Take back your power that got outsourced in the old paradigm survival consciousness (thinking someone outside of you knows better, is doing better or has more wisdom or experience than you) and energize your vision by fully occupying the heart of and reigniting your highest vision.
In this 75-minute recorded Masterclass & Activation, you’ll activate the first activation in the full 24 Divine Light Activation sequence, the Visionary Heart Activation co-created with Thoth and the Council of Light.
Channeled through Danielle, this exclusive high-vibing session is designed to unlock your ability to:
Even if you've activated the Visionary Heart before, we've really synthesized the 8+ years that we've been offering the Visionary Heart Activation—the Divine Light Activation number one—into our most potent and multi-dimensional version of this masterclass.
So, you not only complete the slower vibrational body, mind emotions, and limiting beliefs that may pull you out of your center, but have you looking outside of yourself rather than looking into your own visionary heart or the discernment that you have that may in the past have had you pretzeling or rejecting your brilliance and your strengths…
…but also you get back in the sweet spot of your visionary heart where you're in alignment, you're supported, and you're empowered as the Creator being that you really are.

“THANK YOU! This was so powerful! I cleared out so much in terms of physically and also the “I don’t want to do it” energy! LOL When you said that I was like holy heck, I have that! But not anymore. I woke up today with so much energy I cannot even believe it. I knocked out a 90-minute interview on someone else’s podcast (which normally would have felt like A LOT) and then recorded a mini webinar and a promo video…which I’d been putting off all week. I’m telling you… game changer.”
- Highest Contribution Alumnus

milestone 3
Highest Vision Energy Vortex
Awaken the Highest Vision of your Heart
(VALUE $997 USD)
Get instant access to:
- 24-Hour Remote Personalized Energy Vortex + Receptivity Audio
This energy vortex is co-created with the guides and your higher self and set up by Danielle to be delivered to you energetically as soon as you complete your Visionary Heart Activation and runs for 24 hours.
There is nothing for you to do, no live training on this, and no call. However, we are including a short energy vortex receptivity audio for you to listen to if our SIT back & RECEIVE methodology feels too big of a leap of faith.
During this transformational 24-hour remote support session, you’ll:
This is one of their highest levels of mastery, usually only available in longer programs,
and well worth the ticket to join us in and of itself.

(VALUE $497 USD)
Special Bonus ticket to a 75-minute group channeling call with Danielle and the Guides:
Ascended Masters Playdate - LIVE CALL
(with the option to bilocate and listen to the recording whenever you want)
March 20, 2025
*5:45 pm Paris (*DST) / 9:45 am Los Angeles / 12:45 pm New York
To support the integration of your Highest Contribution Activation, you’re invited to take a seat at an upcoming live channeled Ascended Masters Playdate with Danielle and the guides (or bi-locate & tune into the replay if you wish)
By the end of your time in the Highest Contribution Activation, you’ll be back in the seat of your Divine Genius and ascended masteries where you are poised to make your highest contribution.
You'll have...
Ready to Activate Your Highest Contribution?