
The Hidden Superhero Illusion

Do you ever feel like you are operating at your highest level in one (or maybe even several) areas of your life and business, but other areas remain entirely underdeveloped or are even falling apart?

You’re in such a high vibe space when you’re in your purpose, residing in your divine genius and doing the work you are uniquely here to do, money is flowing, clients are beyond satisfied, your reach and impact as a coach/healer/mentor/channel is growing. 

However, if someone were to look behind the curtain of your life they would see that there are areas that remain out of alignment, stuck, or completely nonfunctional. 

This illusion is particularly prevalent for high achievers and consciousness leaders. Despite your success, you may still be living in disconnect, believing that who you are in your leadership role can’t be who you are all day, every day and all areas. 

Here’s the truth. As a Multidimensional Being of Light,
you CAN be your superhero self all the time. 

You don’t need a fancy cape, or a phone booth to change in. 

You don’t have to transform yourself back into a mild-mannered alter ego
(hiding your true powers from the world) in order to live the rest of your life. 

In fact, this is exactly what is NOT optimal for you to do.

Your superpowers are Multidimensional, which means they are not only available to show up in all areas of this life but also in multiple dimensions, timelines and in infinite ways. And, to truly dial in and access the full capacity of your Divine Self, you HAVE to invite your full superpowers into ALL of your life. This is the ONLY way you can tap into the potential you were born with to create the impact you are here to create. 

So where do you see the Hidden Superhero Illusion showing up in your life? Pay attention over the next several days to see where you’re taking off your cape and hiding the full extent of your powers.  

A few questions:

  • What areas of your life do you feel fully in Superhero mode – ready to stop speeding bullets and leap tall buildings in a single bound?
  • What areas of life do you find yourself hiding your cape, frantically searching for a phone booth to change in, or sliding on your Clark Kent glasses and hoping not to be noticed?
  • Can you journal about the differences between those two feelings, and work to identify what triggers the switch?

You don’t even need to do anything with the answers right now—it’s enough to begin noticing, paying attention to the areas you exist in the fullness of your power and when you are tempted to go back into hiding.

Illusion Busting Mantra:

“I choose to be a superhero in all areas of my life.

I don’t need to hide, diminish or downplay my powers from anyone”

If you missed our previous illusion, you can read it by clicking here.  https://divinetransmissions.com/the-funhouse-mirror-illusion/