
How are you secretly making yourself wrong?

Today I want to ask you a deep question…

What thoughts or behaviors are you using to make yourself wrong?

This might seem like a strange question at first but stay with me for a moment.

I recently re-read Gay Hendricks’s book The Big Leap (a definite recommendation). In the book the author dives into all the different ways we stop ourselves from sharing our most adept selves, what he refers to as “the Upper Limit Problem.”

“The Upper Limit is our tendency to sabotage ourselves by when we move up to a higher level in life where things are going well – we are happier, we’re making more money, we’re feeling more love – we will often do something to mess up and bring ourselves back down to a lower level of positive energy. That’s what I call the Upper Limit Problem…”

– Gay Hendricks

Reading this immediately called to mind one of the themes of the old paradigm illusion that I see running rampant in today’s Multidimensional Leaders.

Despite being here to lead the new paradigm these leaders (incredibly powerful individuals, just like you, who are at the top of their game) still remain locked into a lie that Hendricks described like this:

“I cannot expand to my full creative genius because something is fundamentally wrong with me.”

WHAT? That sounds so crazy, right?

Yet, I bet that you can identify an area where this limiting belief is active in your life.

We are conditioned (through this life and past life experiences) to believe that if we step into our most potent selves:

We are doing something wrong.
Something wrong or bad will happen.
Something is wrong with us, our life, or others, and needs to be fixed.
When this pattern is running, you are darned if you do and darned if you don’t.

No matter what; shame, guilt, fear, worry, doubt, contraction ensue.

Recently in my mastermind for high-level leaders of consciousness, I was listening to one of my fellow goddesses talk about a pattern and cycle she had been locked in. She steps into a high-level program with the full intention of bringing her best work into reality. She raises her prices, she’s feeling confident, she’s about to put this amazing, opus-level work in the world. Then suddenly something happens — she has this overwhelming feeling that she has done something wrong. In the end, she kicks out a low-end offer, which (predictably) no one signs up for.

Does this sound familiar or bring to mind a similar situation in your own life and leadership?

Can you think of a way this illusion may be limiting you in your own life or opus-level work?

You see, from inside this cycle, no matter what my fellow mastermind participant does, she is wrong.

She feels wrong if she shares her highest-level expression for her soul-level client.

She feels wrong if she sells her soul and shares a watered-down version of it for not a lot of money.

She feels wrong if she does and wrong if she doesn’t.

She stays in survival mode, on the hamster wheel of illusion and separation. This creates painful and constricting limits not only in her own life but also in the lives of those she is meant to contribute to.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Let me ask you this, does the oak tree think it is doing something wrong if it grows to its full height of 100 feet?

Of course not!

Does an infinite being, a creator being, the Divine YOU think it is doing something wrong by CREATING magnificence?


So, are you ready to shift this?

Here are a few steps you can take right away:

  1. Identify the illusion
    What do you say to yourself or what old programs are you holding to “make yourself wrong”?
  2. Use this mantra to pivot out of that sensation.
    Thoth and the Council of Light often say “All is well, now what?” That one phrase said regularly can change your life forever. It puts you in unity with your highest self and shifts your focus from thinking you are a project that needs to be fixed into exploring and creating with infinite potential and possibility.
  3. Saturate yourself with the Peace Ray:
    Another tool to support shifting this is The Peace Ray, from “The Council of Light” book. The Peace Ray creates an illusion-free zone. What would you create if you lived today in an ILLUSION FREE ZONE? What infinite possibilities become available to you when you step into the glory of you as a Divine Being?

Today, I invite you to set aside the illusion lie of ‘wrongness’ and step into the full rightness of your Multidimensional power and potential.

What would be possible today if you stopped making yourself wrong? All is well, now what?

Sending you oodles of high vibes and seeing you as your fully potent self.