
How to download your GROWTH PLAN from Source

As Spirit-led entrepreneurs, we want the Divinely downloaded growth plan.

We want to know the next step in creating our Legacy Work and to take action accordingly.

If we’re called to speak on stages, we want to KNOW what big message we’re here to deliver.

If we’re called to write books, we want the book outline in hand, right now, or even better—yesterday!

We want to know how to move forward on our path and we want to be unshakably confident so that we can show up and share what’s coming through with ease.

And when we don’t know?

When the answers aren’t coming, feel confusing or too BIG to navigate, it’s frustrating to no end because we’ve been knocking on the Divine’s door for answers the whole time.

If only it were that easy.

Actually, it is.

It gets to be easy when you are able to step out of the old paradigm of separation consciousness and ask from a higher level of consciousness that can receive and interpret the answer.

The answers you seek are available to you, Dear One,. Through Universal Truth we know this to be so.

What you may not have considered is this:

Your call and yearning to do more is actually a signal to let you know you’ve completed, achieved, and succeeded in your previously chosen soul curriculum “assignment” on the Earth Star.

You’ve essentially reached the end of your current incarnation cycle and the answer physically cannot reveal itself by tapping into the guidance system that’s brought you this far.

The answers won’t appear until you expand more fully into your Divine Self.

What brought you here can’t get you there.

It’s like trying to use an old GPS system to find a newly built road.

The new destination can’t be found in the GPS programming. The old system doesn’t know how to get you where you want to go.

What you actually need is a way to stay permanently connected to your most current “GPS.”

You need a way to tune into the true wellspring of Source where it is easy to continually access the most current and potent aspects of your mission along with the gifts and talents needed for its fulfillment.

The good news is, establishing this Source connection easily and permanently is easier than you think, especially when you partner with myself, Thoth, and the Council of Light.

If you’re ready to switch off the old paradigm energies that scramble your signal from Source…

This is exactly what Thoth and I are showing an exclusive group of highly-conscious healers and coaches in our upcoming Divine Light Activation Business Upgrade.

Ready to activate your legacy-work, be HIGHLY visible to your perfect match clients and blow the ceiling off of your Multidimensional Abundance (money, Divine-service and union with Source) without separation consciousness (fear, doubt, lack) running the show?

Reply and let us know you’d like to be considered.