
Increase Your Visibility

In the world of personal development, all those intriguing headlines you see as you scroll down your Facebook timeline, begging you to click, and in the stacks of self-help books in your local bookstore the message is clear — you need to get rid of the old you to discover and embrace the new. 

But what if that popular viewpoint is an extremely limited way to keep us discarding parts of ourselves that are here to teach and serve, specifically to aid our evolution into a higher level of consciousness?

But how could that be, Danielle, you might be asking? Why would I want to keep the parts of me that are holding me back?

I’m not talking about holding on to spaces in ourselves that are limiting us to lower vibration and outdated ways of being. 

What I DO mean, is that everything that is a part of you right now already has everything necessary within it to evolve it to its next level of consciousness. 

Instead of rejection, think of evolution. 

For example, your reluctance to be seen and heard doesn’t need to be destroyed (after all, energy can’t be destroyed), they hold all the keys to the next phase of evolution. The energy of this fear, when completed, transformed, and channeled, is EXACTLY the energy you needed to stand out sharing your gifts. 

If you experience fear, you may have been told that this fear must be eradicated before you will grow beyond it. However, your protective mechanisms actually have a VITAL purpose, they are here to keep you safe and ensure you do what you came here to express. However, they are also often misinformed or operating from an outdated job description.

At Divine Transmissions, Thoth and I don’t ever suggest you get rid of outdated ways of being or get on the endless hamster wheel of clearing what you don’t prefer about yourself, or peeling away another layer of the onion, even if they are distortions. 

Instead, we call you to step into a more resourced state by reclaiming your multidimensional and Divine self and to transform these challenges with love into assets, to include them back into the oneness, the wholeness, back into Source. This creates a new experience. It’s not that separation consciousness goes away or the fear vanishes, it simply becomes dormant. 

Imagine your fear is 5 drops of food coloring, let’s say it’s red and you are in a non-resourced state or separation, trying to separate and get rid of the fear. That is like putting those 5 drops of red food coloring into a water-filled thimble. Your entire experience (the water) becomes colored with red, the fear.

When you raise your vibration, bless, honor, and include the slower vibrations from unity consciousness (love, inclusion, and appreciation) you expand to occupy your full space as a Divine being. This is like pouring those 5 drops of red food coloring into the ocean. Yup, fear is still there, yet you experience so much more of you.

Can you feel just how much more respectful and honoring this is? How much this empowers you to offer grace and understanding to those challenging aspects of your current self, while fully recognizing that YOU have the power to evolve to the next level of your personal journey of consciousness. 

But how do you do this?

Consider this example: 

Imagine that you own a company with a very strong employee, who very clearly happens to be in the wrong job. Perhaps they are not truly qualified for the role they are in, or they excel in another area. Maybe they’ve been given control that they don’t have the skills to handle, perhaps they don’t have their driver’s license, but someone gave them the tools to drive the whole bus. 

They give it their all, but they just are not suited for their position (and imagine how much fear they are experiencing, knowing they are holding a role they aren’t ready for, instead of one that truly maximizes their gifts). 

Of course, you could fire them, but then your organization would lose an incredible being who is an excellent employee, with fierce strengths who could be an asset to your growth. 

They aren’t a bad employee – they are simply in the wrong position or utilizing the “challenge side” of their strengths rather than the “gift side” to slow things down rather than speed things up. 

So what do you do?

You give them a new job description. You provide them with the tools, and logistical and energetic expertise to do the job at the highest level, and then you ask them to evolve to their next level of consciousness.

It’s time for you (and your higher self) to be driving the bus. And in order to do this, you’ve got to give your slower vibrational and survival consciousness self something better to do  — it’s time to create a new job description. 

Imagine you have a fear of being seen. You answer the phone to learn you’ve been asked to climb on stage 3 months from now and give a TEDx talk to some of the people you most admire in your industry. You’ll be sharing your passion, expertise, and gifts to a roomful of people who are at the top of their game. 

Of course, this is terrifying!

If left to its own devices, your fear of visibility will take over and keep you from leaping forward into this powerful opportunity. You’ll say a small no, instead of a huge, YES and you really, really want to say yes, because you know that this is the beginning of upleveling your voice and platform in the way you know you are meant to. 

So, what are you going to do? Your fear of visibility doesn’t need to magically disappear (that’s not possible anyway) it just needs something better to do!

If you don’t want that fear to leap full force into its previous job of keeping you ‘safe’ it needs an IMMEDIATE reassignment. So give that fear the brand new title ‘Director of Being Visible with Confidence’ and ask it to evolve all the skills it has built to keep you invisible to their next level of consciousness. 

If your fear knew how to keep you invisible, play small and hideout, it also knows how to help you be visible, play big and be seen. This is the law of polarity. So assign it the task of learning new skills; gaining confidence shining your most potent self, and rocking public speaking.

Your fear will still be keeping you safe, but in a way that allows you to embrace your growth and evolution instead of hiding from it. 

I invite you to pause now and consider a part of you (whether fear, lower vibration, scarcity, limited or old-consciousness ways of thinking, etc) that you’ve previously felt or been told you needed to rid yourself of to move on. Take a moment and reflect on what those parts of you ARE actually good at, and imagine a brand new job title and description that allows them (and YOU) to evolve into the highest possible level. 

Then wait for the inevitable transformation.