Life Review Ceremony & Manifestation Workshop
Calibrate to your Highest Path
Masterclass with
Danielle Rama Hoffman, Isis and the guides

"To In-Vision what is next, it is necessary to integrate what has gone before."
video message from Isis

What is a life review?
a letter from Danielle
In my mid-twenties, I incorporated energy work and spiritual guidance into my massage sessions. Talking with clients was not within the scope of practice of my massage license or liability insurance, which at the time was a concern for me. So I became an ordained minister online in about 10 minutes. I was now “ordained” to marry, bury and talk with clients. An unusual turn of events given that I left the unitarian church when I was nine and a few years prior considered myself an atheist and being in nature was my happy place (or church).
A few weeks after my online sanction to do what I was already naturally doing, I discovered an in-person, one-day workshop to become an ordained minister in the order of Melchizedek. I remember thinking to myself, Mel-whose-a-deck?, but I knew I needed to be there. I hopped in my well-used but trusty blue Toyota corolla and drove from Knoxville to Asheville having zero conscious idea of what was in store.
It was a beautiful day with teachings about how energy flows in the body, meditation, and something called “A Life Review”, culminating in a hands-on personal transmission into the order of Melchizedek.
The explanation of a life review was...
...that it happened after death and in the inter-life space (before the next incarnation). The soul experiences her life holographically and in what would feel like an instant on Earth, reviews, sees, and understands everything. Including what was said or experienced by the other players in her life she wouldn’t have had access to. For example, if a brother, friend, or co-worker said something about her when she wasn’t present she would have never heard it, in the life review she does.
Essentially a life review provided access to her entire incarnation, her experiences, and others of her.
The purpose of this is to integrate, learn, and review choices made and choices not made. Not from a purgatory kind of a way yet from a savoring and synthesizing of the beauty of that incarnation, including gifts and challenges. The Life Review is a spiritual rite of passage that includes a larger Divine perspective and a vaster view of the soul including other lifetimes and unfolds from a place of a neutral observer.

My twenty-something self was blown away, that was a lot to take in (as inherent in the whole Life Review thing is reincarnation). Similar to being magnetized to the event I felt the presence of TRUTH in what was being shared. The Reiki and “counseling” I was doing with clients worked in the inter-life space in the sense of traveling backward before an incarnation and guiding the client to reincarnate with missing energies like love, or joy and anchoring that into their life up into their current year. Or even going back to the first lifetime where the individual chose to separate from Source to incarnate into physical form, which often was the origin of a lot of discomforts that was showing up in this lifetime.

After the workshop...
I didn’t give the Life Review much thought, although aspects of it did remind me of my experience in 12 steps when I went to Alchohol and Drug treatment at age 23. Specifically the 5th step… “admit to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” Which I guess is kind of like confession although I didn’t grow up with formalized religion. I remember being terrified to share my inner and perceived shameful secrets with a fellow member of recovery. And after my 5th step, I did feel a lot of freedom and relief, a sort of unconditional acceptance, so I get the power of this process.
With that being said this type of review focuses on “the nature of our wrongs” and is very steeped in the old paradigm of survival consciousness. Whereas the “Life Review” has quite a different feel to it where it is focusing on the totality of our life experience and also our gifts, the difference we make in other's lives, how we’ve evolved, what we came to that incarnation to experience and who wanted to meet, etc. A review from a heightened state of a neutral observer. Which shifts the skewed focus from what “Karma” did I create in that lifetime to focusing on the “Dharma”, mission, and all-around joy and beauty of a lifetime.
As I continued on my path...
I would remember the “Life Review” when I found myself gossiping or saying something about someone that I wasn’t saying to them directly. A sort of my apologies for this in advance when you hear it in your LIfe Review. It opened my awareness to the state of non-physicality and no space and time, a sort of wow even if this is happening over here behind closed doors it is still cataloged and ripples out into the universe. Words, thoughts, and emotions are things.
As my journey continued I experienced more rites of passage similar to the Reiki Attunements, I had to become a Reiki Master and the attunement at the end of the Melchizedek ordination. Some years later my path led me to Egypt where I became aware (and had memories) of many rites of passage that were thought to happen in the “afterlife” which actually happened during a lifetime. We each have many spiritual rites, initiations, and moments of mastery that occur in our individual lifetime. As well as those that happen on the collective level. Where there is a larger rite of passage that “humanity” is given the opportunity to experience and touches us whether we would like it to or not, like COVID or the internet.
Fast forward to 2012...
...where in the spiritual community there was a lot of talk about the end of the Mayan calendar and the larger evolution in consciousness into the Aquarian Age and the heart chakra. The great awakening. For me, I experienced a very potent rite of passage in moving to France in November of 2012 so I know exactly where I was on December 21, 2012. This larger movement in my external life coincided with other shifts, especially in 2011 (the year before). When I speak with those on a path of higher consciousness there is often a life-changing event or materialization in 2011.
And 2012 seemed to come and go without the lightning bolt kind of a vastly noticeable shift in consciousness. Yes, things were different yet perhaps in a more gradual kind of a way. Now that we have ten years under our belts of living more into unity consciousness and the new paradigm, there is another collective rite of passage on the horizon. Many of us, myself included are experiencing a deepening into what has been garnered in the last ten years. A sense that another wave or stage in our evolution in consciousness is approaching, like something is coming, but not here yet.
The guides have been speaking about us approaching December 21, 2022, for a while and bringing with it a different energy bandwidth that we are operating from. As well as the importance and almost a necessity to INTEGRATE, to be in a state of a LIFE REVIEW. Like the first time I heard about the Life Review being explained as happening after death and my experience as well of entering into 2012 after a disintegration (or death) of my old identity, there are these deaths we are all experiencing that when a conscious Life Review is provided open up pathways that otherwise wouldn’t be accessed.
Hence, the LIFE REVIEW workshop is being offered on the altar for you to choose or not.
This is a spiritual rite of passage, a ceremony, and an incredible opportunity to integrate and complete old ways of being, that which could be classified as “wrong” for the new paradigm way of living (not that there is a right or wrong as that is part of the illusion). As well as to wildly celebrate your beautiful life up to this point and the contribution you have been to all those you touch (seen and unseen).

If you’re called to join us in addition to your life review you’ll also open the door to what is next.
The “what’s next” will have the space to emerge when the life has been reviewed and integrated, which is why the guides are also calling this a manifestation workshop.
You will be writing, visioning, and receiving an energetic transmission from the guides to support the integration of the LIFE REVIEW as well as channeling to facilitate connecting to your eternal nature and your next “Divine Assignments” from a higher perspective of your mission in this incarnation and beyond.

What's included:
This may be for you if:

you are in the right place
What you'll garner
imagine the possibilities
How this half-day virtual workshop will flow...
Life Review Personalized Remote Energy Vortex
This remote energy happens 24-hours after your purchase from 10pm-10am in your time zone.
Isis and the guides will work with your higher self while you sleep to begin your Life Review.
(VALUE $500)
Immediate access to workshop
SEGMENT 1 - Integration, Aha’s & Completion
Life Review Channeling and Ritual
SEGMENT 2 - In-Visioning & Community
Download and Midwife what’s next
SEGMENT 3 - Manifestation & Up-Level
Energetic Attunement from the Guides to Calibrate to Your Highest Path
(VALUE $997)
Total Value $1497
An opportunity to come together with a group of souls for a spiritual rite of passage of this magnitude is rare.
Usually, the energetic nature of the attunements, rituals, ceremonies, and what we will be up to is only available in the Temples of Egypt, Sacred Sites in France, or for our private clients.
However, I’m guided to make this spiritual rite of passage both time and cost-efficient and more readily available.
The Life Review Ceremony + Manifestation Workshop is a game-changer and easily worth $1497; however, I’m not going to charge you that.