
Sophia Kryst

Energetic Coach, Master Healer & Facilitator, Divine Channel, Sacred Architect, Divine Oracle.


Certified Quantum Light Practitioner
Ascended Master Lineage of Thoth Member

About Sophia Kryst

Sophia’s mission is to assist you in your transition into the Golden Age timeline by supporting you in the different levels of your soul’s initiation.

Through the high frequency energy transmissions she helps you to complete all the different levels and layers of density held in your unconscious mind, your DNA, your bioenergetic field and in your Akashic Records from all the different ages and lifetimes. She also activates your dormant DNA where your Divine Self and your cosmic self is held, where your gifts and your wisdom resides waiting to be unlocked.

Channeling wisdom from the Higher realms to help you to open your awareness to new levels of consciousness to understand your highest potentials as a Spiritual Being.

She will help you to go through the whole journey of Ascension and Liberation to merge with the Divine Presence and the higher aspects of your Multidimensional Self and also she will help you to transition into your Divine Human design.

She brings forward the cosmic frequencies of the Divine Feminine of Ascended Love, Compassion, Divine Grace and Wisdom. She carries the codes for the unification of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects merging as One to experience Wholeness and Unity. In that state of Unity is where you are completely free, powerful, living from a place of unconditional love, living in bliss and joy. You become your Self Realized.

Connect with Sophia Kryst

Body of Work

Access to your highest potential by ascending to the Divine Presence:
Ascend to your Divine Presence that is your Higher aspect that holds the infinite power, a loving presence, and ascended wisdom from Source. Living from your highest potential is your capacity to ground an unwavering inner peace and love. You are conscious of your power of manifestation. You start serving others with your unique gifts through your divine mission. You become a multidimensional being, self realized, moving dimensions at will, and becoming a pure channel of the highest light flowing through you for the highest good of all.

You’ll liberate old programming from all lifetimes that prevents you from evolving faster into higher states of consciousness to then experience your expanded Self, in union with Source of all Creation. You’ll experience an openness or your extrasensory senses and your path will be cleared and aligned to your Divine mission to fulfill your destiny with joy and happiness. A sense of deep fulfilling purpose will create zest in your life, experiencing peace and harmony. You’ll be able to contribute from higher dimensions using your gifts to fulfill your mission. Your life matters and what you do creates a great effect on others.

Activate the Kryst Code through the frequencies of love:
As you dive into all aspects of the frequencies of love, compassion and grace, there’s a transition in which you shift from being driven from your mind to start living more harmoniously with all of life through the loving compassionate wisdom of your heart.

A big shift takes place when you are able to love yourself unconditionally, flowing with life without resistance, opening your heart to receive love and give love.

There’s a deep healing from all the conditioning and traumas from the Piscean age that takes place and an activation of the blueprint or the original divine design to unlock the Kryst Consciousness within you. A beautiful reunion takes place between the masculine and feminine aspects within you bringing polarities into union to become whole, returning to the Sacred Union with Source to become a conduit of the infinite flow of light, love and abundance ever sustaining you.

Discover your inner light:
In order for you to evolve to higher states of consciousness, there’s certain stages of evolution that you are going to undergo and you need to master in order to be able to expand to more dimensions of your Higher Self. You’ll be understanding how you keep creating the wheel of cause and effect that keeps you stuck in a hamster wheel, you’ll be able to stop creating karma and accelerate your evolution by releasing deep levels and layers of conditionings. Learn to master your emotional body and your mental body. Learn how to live a conscious life. Shift your life from routine to ritual so you can feel again passion and joy. Be your own authority by expanding your inner confidence. Discover your inner light and your great potential within.

Free Gift

Meet the highest version of your Ascended Master Self

liberated and free

This free guided meditation will allow you to connect to the highest version of your Divine Self, you’ll connect with who you really are, you’ll be able to merge with this vibration to feel and sense the higher frequency, the beauty, the joy of being that Ascended being. During this journey you’ll be able to upgrade your frequency, letting go of some parts of the old version of you that prevents you from aligning with your Highest version. You’ll feel a sense of rejuvenated energy, a sense of direction and purpose and an increased sense of passion for your journey ahead.