1:1 Mentorship with Danielle and the Guides
FOR SEASONED (or EMERGING) GLOBAL LEADERS Who Want to Get Your Movement Making Book Done this Year Without Endless Iterations, Copying What’s Already Been Done or Missing a Beat in Your Global Growing Biz

Partnering with Source Has Led me to Create 4 Best Selling Books and Seven Figures!
Yes, you can experience multidimensional abundance (deep down to the bone fulfillment from making a difference, 6-7 figures, tapped into your inner authority/Divine Guidance)- and it all starts with a brilliant book!
I’ve Built a Global Following and a Legacy Business Through Channeling Books -
Now Let Me Show You How to Do It Too!
Hi, I’m Danielle Rama Hoffman
4x bestselling author, legacy work coach, and spiritual teacher.
For over 25 years, I’ve been living my mission to help high-vibing healers, teachers, and those driven to serve others discover multidimensional living by evolving their consciousness and creating careers that align with their Divine mission.
My clients are world-changers - beautiful souls who know they incarnated on this planet to make a powerful impact. I am dedicated to helping them realize their goals, experience success, and transcend to a deeper spiritual level by tapping into a higher consciousness and partnering with Source.
I know that the key to creating a legacy business that speaks directly to your ideal client begins with an enlightening, powerful book that introduces your readers to who you are, what you do, and begins guiding them on a journey that leads to the results your services provide.
And that bestselling book is already written!

Channeling Source and
Becoming a Scribe of Higher Wisdom
You may think that there is simply no way you could sit down and write a book - much less in a year or much less!
But like I’ve said - the book your clients are waiting for is already written, in fact, it is actually a being of light, a living transmission.
See, I wrote 4 best-selling, award-winning books that have changed thousands of lives, but I didn’t write them alone.
Thoth, the keeper of the Akashic Records is my business partner and co-creator of Divine light and wisdom infused books and programs. I also channel the Magdalenes and a wider Council of Light, light and love beings from across the multiversal plane who accelerate my journey to enlightenment and partner with me to achieve my soul’s deepest desires.
By “scribing” in which I am channeling Thoth and opening myself up to Source and the Council of Light, I can tap into exactly what to write that is an exact match for my community of soul-aligned clients.
Scribing has not only allowed me to transcend existing paradigms and see the world in an amazing new light, I’m able to share it with more people than I’ve ever imagined.
Today, I am confident that I am living my highest-level contribution. I am blessed with opportunities to create, to see my clients evolve and ascend to higher levels of consciousness and clarity and fulfill their own mission.
Plus, I have the freedom of both time and money to live my passion and mission!
Now, it’s time for you to reclaim your unique way of channeling Source to create and publish a book and hold it in your hands in less than a year!
Holding your book in your hands this time next year…
…now imagine your book being in the hands and hearts of the souls you are here to touch.
Ready to stop waiting and start creating?
Now is your time to shine!

Join Me to Experience Global Success + Spiritual Advancement
I want to invite you to Apply Now to be a part of Scribe Ascended Mastery- Write Your Best-Selling Book with Source where I am sharing the methods I use to open my spirit, connect with Source and download books at the speed of light so you can write a life-changing book that will allow you to stand out as an expert, build trust immediately with your audience, and lead to an abundant income!