

I wanted to take a moment before we dive deeper into some of the possible doubts and tribal consciousness illusions/assumptions that may be running unconsciously in your system when it comes to creating your Opus Level Body of Work. And to talk a little bit about the power and importance of scribing (and of creating with Source in general).

So, what is scribing and why would you want to begin?

As I said in my earlier, even if you are only creating for you, your book, your unique modality, your Opus Level Body of Work is a spiritual evolutionary fast track – even if it’s just for you (yes, even if you don’t have a huge business or aim to be a best-selling author, even then!). You will grow more into your own Multidimensional Leadership and healing capacity by writing one book that you are divinely designed to write than you will by reading THOUSANDS of books written by others.

Your scribed book or body of work is, like you, a Light Being, it has a purpose far beyond its 3D manifestation.

What do I mean when I talk about scribing?

When you first see the word SCRIBE, it most likely brings to mind writing. However, what Thoth and I mean by scribing, as a modality or process can actually take many forms, including (yet not exclusive to) writing. You can scribe through speaking, writing, drawing or meditating…just to name a few possibilities.

And once something is scribed (channeled, divined, created) into form, what is scribed is multidimensional, alive, organic, dynamic, always changing. Just like you and the Divine. Scribed material is not fixed.

In fact, an adept scribe consecrates higher vibration into form in Divine Wholeness. This means spirit and matter stay connected. The act of scribing midwives and births your work, projects, and entire life (words, art, energy, guidance, abundance, etc) while fully connected to Source. It is the fast track to restoring the union between spiritual and material, and the key to living in unity consciousness.

Scribing is a key to being in union with Source, for the very nature of scribed material is midwifing in UNION (without separation).

What can scribing do for you?

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear stories of how people found out about my work they tell me things like, though they never bought my book, it one day turned up in their house or somehow magically fell off the shelf in the bookstore when they walked by. Many tell me that when they read it their body and hands felt hot, or began tingling.

On the business side, your book becomes a multidimensional access point to you, your work and your unique, Divine, healing genius. It is a way to scale your impact and share your wisdom, knowledge and legacy with thousands upon thousands of people without having to be there directly. – eliminating that ceiling or threshold of the number of people you can reach, help and serve.

Best of all your scribed work acts as a lighthouse —a beacon in the sea of voices—drawing your people to you.

For instance, when my first book was brand new I would wake up each day to celebrate the influx of people who were joining my audience!

I’m guessing that as you read this, you’re either beginning to see the fullness of possibility for the first time, or your excitement over what is possible is amped up even more than it already was. So – buckle up your seats, I’ll be back next time to take a deep dive into some of the fears and holdbacks which often keep powerful Multidimensional Leaders and Healers like you from accessing the full power of SCRIBING AND CREATING WITH SOURCE.

Because our first FREE GIFT was a huge success, and to get you fully re-Sourced and nourished for the inspiration heading your way, we wanted to gift you another POWERFUL MEDITATION FROM THOTH:

The Impulse of Creation Calibration: Be a RE-Sourced Creator Being.

This FREE 21-minute meditation will get you connected directly with Source to midwife your unique creations with Source and as Source. Use this time to tap into the space of infinite possibilities and opulent nourishment, recenter, recalibrate and move into the most potent creation state. DOWNLOAD HERE

Have a sense that this year you want to take a deep dive into SCRIBING and Create YOUR unique bodies of work with Source? Email my team at team@divinetransmissions.com with SCRIBE in the subject line and we’ll be in touch with more information about Ascended Master Academy (including some AMAZING early-bird bonuses).