Self-paced courses for every level you are at

We have a variety of courses based on what you are looking for
Channeling & Divine Guidance, Elevating Consciousness and Money & Abundance

Open 9 Stargates of the Galactic Scribe
NINE 75-Minute Transmissions with Thoth 100% Embodied
Do you have a deep longing to pioneer, access, download/upload consciousness energy, and light tools? Are you driven to contribute to a larger vision and express what you came to the Earth Star for? In this virtual program, we will journey through Nine Stargates of the Galactic Scribe. Turn on the multidimensional capacity of the Galactic Scribe, so you can be in vibrational proximity to consciousness from across the galaxies that are regenerative and bespoke for you.

Awaken the Scribe Code
Scribe Code Ignition Series with Thoth 100% Embodied
The Scribe Code is your capacity to be plugged in to your higher self and connection with Source always and in all ways.
Join Thoth 100% Embodied for this 33-minute audio transmission to access the Scribe codes, which are a part of your Universal Divine Design (innate within you as a Birthright). Awakening your Scribe Code supports you to shift from an on/off connection to a full-on connection with your Divine knowing.

Super Charge Your Divine Connection
Super Charge Your Divine Connection with 22 soul connecting initiations
Join Thoth, The Council of Light, Isis, Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene and other Ascended Masters for 22 Days of Initiations to awaken your Infinite Self so you can complete patterns of separation consciousness (lack, fear, holding back) and live from Unity Consciousness (abundance, love and connection).

Quantum Egypt Stargate: Scribe Scrolls
5 Scribe Scrolls to Ignite Your INFINITE LOVE Body & LEAP into New Paradigm Multi-D Living with Isis and Thoth
Journey to new Egypt through the Quantum Stargates of the Scribe Scrolls.
Thoth and Isis are coming together to partner with you (if you are called) to open up pathways in your energy system to fully embrace your Multidimensional self and New Paradigm Living. This way you shift from feeling separate from Multi-D YOU to tapping into never before experienced states of LOVE, UNION, MAGIC and ABUNDANCE.

Consciousness on Demand Video Series
A Guided Journey into the Heart
Each 5+ minute video session* includes powerful Divine Transmissions direct from Source to you. The entire series of 8 include the Space where Grace, Potency, Money, Magic, Possibility, Divinity, Joy and Clarity reside.

Space of Grace
Become the Location of Elegance, Beauty, Magic and Seemingly Effortless Fulfillment & Ease
This transmission was recorded encoded with the energies, consciousness, divinity codes, initiations, transmissions and elevations that support you in a customized manner open up to remembering the space of the infinite being that you are. Please note the energies are full-on, so go into playing this with the same focus you would in receiving an initiation, energy session, Darshan, Shaktipat, Divine Transmission…

Space of Joy
Access, Ignite, Calibrate to Joy
Enjoy, Laugh, Sing & Vibrate Yourself into a Permanent Portal of Happiness. Spark the core ignition of your natural state of joy, bliss, fun, and happiness as your expanded state of alignment and choice. Receive the space of joy from the Hathor’s and Divine light.

Space of Possibility
Open to the Infinite Potentiality for Positive Results
Possibility is the energetic template of infinity. It opens you and your world up to unexpected money, joy and opportunities from the universe. It is the encoded energy of FREEDOM.

Space of Magic
Utilize, Maximize & Magnetize Your Magic & Live a Brilliant, Resplendent & Enchanted Life.
Magic is the space of divine realization. This transmission supports your system in activating the Infinite synchronicities, possibilities, manifestations, experiences, dreams…your infinite being knows how to generate with zest, pep, ease and joy.

Money Space
Receive, Amplify & Have Money Now.
Opens receptivity, amplifies the life-enhancing, purpose championing energy of money in your life. Allowance of money to support your journey.

Space of Potency
Potential, Purpose and Power
Open the space for your full potency (potential, purpose and power) to be remembered as you and through you now and always. Be the empowered creator being that you truly are and generate the life of your choice.

Divine Spaciousness
Know Yourself as The Divine, Infinite Being that You Are
~ Magnificent, Delightful & Re-Sourced.

Space of Clarity
Tune into this Encoded Space of Grace and Re-member.
Become the location of Elegance, Beauty, Magic and Seemingly Effortless Fulfillment & Ease.

Thoth’s Magic Academy
A Year and a Day of Thoth’s Energy Support
This is a pivotal year in which (if you choose) you can liberate yourself from tribal consciousness and BE YOU FULL OUT. This is the year to take the biggest risk of your life to be you. Being the same as everyone around us won’t create the consciousness that is possible. In fact the shift requires leaders, innovators, pioneers to radiate a new paradigm of being, to bring in consciousness that hasn’t been experienced before. What resides within you that only you have access to that will be an incredible contribution to the planet and beyond?

Money & Manifestation Acceleration Hologram
Get re-sourced package
This individualized hologram of energy will be customized for you based on your Akashic Records, soul’s lineage, past life experiences and current money and manifestation blocks. This two-part energy download works directly with your higher self and will work in alignment with your free will and conscious choice to clear any blocks you have around money and manifesting your deepest desires. Often these are based in tribal consciousness and your fear of being killed or ostracized if you are visible as a spiritually and materially wealth person.

Money Muse Program
A three-part conversation with the divine about money
This is the panel of Money; we are stepping forward as a group of light beings to share information and vibrations about the life enhancing, purpose supporting energy of Money. Money has had a certain reputation in the past and we are here to provide current and updated information about who Money is right now so you can create a fresh relationship to Money.

Secret Codes of Wealthy Women
Activate the energetic & mindset uplevels to create your next level of wealth
With Ascended Master Channel Danielle Rama Hoffman & Master Mindset Coach Halle Eavelyn. Mindset+ Energetics=Magical Money Leaps
Reclaim your sovereign woman’s rights to be Wealthy • Seen • Loved • Powerful -– step into your greatest impact and wealth