
The Stuck in Zone of Excellence Illusion

Illusion #6:

The Stuck in Zone of Excellence Illusion

“I can’t stop doing what I’m really good at, even to explore my opus”

In the last illusion, we talked about the illusion of the time crunch. This next illusion is related, but entirely separate.

I’m guessing that, given your level of success, there are plenty of skills and gifts that you’ve identified that you’re good at, great at, or maybe even excellent at. Multidimensional Leaders at your level are most often also multi-passionate and multi-skilled. Which can be a blessing…and a challenge.

The blessing is easy to see, being skilled in so many areas has likely aided you reaching to the level that you’re at today. It may have contributed to your financial success, your happy clients, and the work you’ve done thus far. It may have helped you write your books or create powerful programs.

The surprising problem these same skills won’t get you to the level you aspire to reach.

When we are trapped in the snares of this illusion, we end up doing what we are ‘GOOD’ at, at the expense of what we are ‘EXTRAORDINARY’ at. The opus level, legacy work grounded in our unique Divine Geniuses and Ascended Masteries. The work we incarnated here to do.

When this illusion is active in your life and work you feel mired in scarcity, afraid that if you drop the ‘good enough’ work you’ll somehow fail, lose clients and ruin your chances of furthering your success.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, in allowing those ‘good enough’ skills, tasks, and roles to fall away or move into completion, you may experience changes in your clients, your audience or your positioning. Yet — even when these changes feel scary — they are making way for something far bigger and better than you can imagine.

Truth: You don’t have to be everything to everyone. In fact, you can’t be. It is in fully letting go of the good enough (and embracing the truth of Multidimensional Abundance) that you can finally access the extraordinary.

Your opus level work awaits.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where am I holding on to tasks that fall into my ‘good enough’ zone at the expense of tasks that fall into my zone of genius?
  • Are there any ‘good enough’ areas that I could outsource to others by expanding my team?
  • Are there any ‘good enough’ areas that simply do not fit within my zone of genius that should be moved to completion, freeing me for my opus level work?
  • Where am I wasting my time working with clients or an audience who are not a vibrational match for my best work?
  • Where am I giving my greatest gifts to others (your clients, your audience, your team) at the expense of myself and my opus level work? 

Illusion-Busting Mantra

“I am choosing to grow beyond good enough
to reach the greatness of my opus level work and create my legacy.”

I’m guessing you’re seeing evidence of these illusions in your current life and work, but there is great news! When my clients do the energetic work to complete these illusions, they experienced a bigger YES. Their clarity got stronger. They began to magnetize more opportunities, deeper relationships, and greater transformation in the are of their true greatness.

Divine Light Activation New Years Immersion is all about permanently completing these illusions so that YOU can fully embody and release YOUR GREATNESS into the world.

Today I’m asking, are you feeling the call?

When you read about this opportunity to take part in the Divine Light Activation New Years Immersion, do you have that undeniable sense that this is for you? Even if you feel fear and hesitation along with it, the most important thing is that divine, intuitive pulse of knowing.

Something in you KNOWS that this will be the one thing that will FINALLY take you to where you need to be.

Soon we will be opening the doors on the most potent remote opportunity we have ever offered, and there are only a few spots left. If you are ready to finally leave the last remnants of your old consciousness behind and step into your full transformational power, email us now.

 Are YOU ready to grow beyond good enough? Start your year with rocket fuel by finding and activating your EXTRAORDINARY (DIVINE) through the transformative power of our Divine Light Activation. Simply email me (Danielle@divinetransmissions.com) and we will get you all the details on how you can join us to move beyond good enough…for GOOD!

If you missed our previous illusion, click here.