
The Time Crunch Illusion

Illusion 5
The Time Crunch Illusion

“I don’t have enough time to create my opus work.”

Quick quiz.

Which of the following statements applies to you?

  • I frequently find myself overworking, overdoing, striving, efforting.
  • I get so stuck in the logistics of my life or business that I feel like I don’t have time for what matters most to me and the activities and work that lights me up.
  • I have a hard time letting go of or delegating tasks that fall outside of my zone of Divine Genius because I’m afraid others won’t do them as well.
  • I often do things that hard way, taking longer than I should.
  • I’ve had incredible success, but sometimes it seems like a vicious circle – the greater my success the less time I have to devote to my opus level work.

This illusion is pervasive in the world of Multidimensional Leaders. Perhaps surprisingly, those who have reached career success and financial abundance and identified and even honed their Divine Genius and ascended masteries are particularly susceptible. Even those who have begun their Opus Level work can subconsciously be driven by this illusion.

You may be well aware of your work in the world, you may have published books and helped hundreds or even thousands through your work. You may have a team and money in the bank – but there’s still a decent chance that old paradigm beliefs about work being mired in struggle and fatigue have their old on you.

But here’s the thing. Although it can seem like you don’t have near enough time (or energy or resources) to devote to your Opus Level work — I’m going to tell you the truth.

Your Opus Level work is the work you can’t afford NOT to do.

Your opus level work is your unique purpose. The reason YOU are here. The thing only YOU can do. The unique body of work that only YOU can create.

As Multidimensional Leaders, we come here to do this work because it is a key to our accelerated evolution in consciousness and because it is a key for others as well. But when we get so caught up in the grind of logistics and the lack of survival consciousness (not enough time, energy, resources), we can convince ourselves that not only can we not afford to let go of the nitty-gritty, but that nobody can do it as we can.

And regardless of levels of material success that may feel unprecedented, if we fall into this illusion, we can often feel as if we are struggling to even survive, let alone thrive and ENJOY our work to the fullest.

For instance, consider the power of scribing. You could slog away on the computer for hours, working on your outline, researching and writing your book manually (with all the blood, sweat and tears that suggests) — or you could activate the full power of your Multidimensional Leadership and easy and effortless scribe your complete unique body of work with ease (and enjoyment)!

Let me ask you which would you rather?

Illusion Busting Mantra

“I am choosing to complete the constant need to overwork and embrace the ease of my opus work by activating my Divine Multidimensional Geniuses.”

This ease is exactly what Thoth and I will be guiding an intimate group of Multidimensional Leaders (having your own business is not required as your highest level contribution can take many forms) to embody during the Divine Light Activation.

We will lead you through a series of 22 potent energetic activations designed to immediately and powerfully TURN UP THE VOLUME, AMP UP YOUR LIGHT and give some powerful ROCKET FUEL to your legacy mission, precisely as you were born to do.

No more blood, sweat, and tears, slogging through years of outdated methods and modalities.

Leave behind the need to interact or teach in the way that others do, or slog through the muck to build your audience or grow your impact in any of the old-paradigm methods.

Even better, by the end of our time together you’ll have full clarity on your current mission, vision, legacy and the unique frequency of YOUR signature energy — the only thing you truly need to rise above the crowd.

You’re a pioneer, and this is the shortest path to showing up in the world in an entirely new way, as ALL of you.

I have just one question for you.
Are your spidey senses lighting up that this may be for you?

Ready to drop the overworking and make it all so much easier? Email me Danielle@divinetransmissions.com with YES in the subject line and we’ll get you all the information.

If you missed our previous illusion, you can read it by clicking here.