
The Too Many Fish In The Sea Illusion

Illusion 3

The Too Many Fish In The Sea Illusion

“I’m swimming in a sea of sameness with no way to stand out.”

Sometimes, despite your enviable success in life and business, standing out as a Multidimensional Leader can feel a little bit like dating. You’ve built an incredible life, existing at a level you may not ever have imagined, yet you’re still navigating a crowded space where EVERYONE is trying to show up as their best self and looking for the exact same thing. You know… that head over heels, rock your entire world love affair or partnership. 

Your work in the world can feel much the same. Even though you have solid confidence in the power and necessity of your work, and a roster of thrilled clients and customers—you may still often feel as if you’re swimming upstream in a sea of sameness, and struggle to fully understand how to differentiate yourself from the masses. Even with powerful testimonials and a track record of proven success, you may feel invisible, like you’re working so hard just to stand out from the crowd. 

Sometimes it doesn’t just feel like there are plenty of fish in the sea, it can seem as if there are TOO MANY fish in the sea. You’re more than ready to REALLY stand out in a perpetually crowded marketplace, to break through any remaining holdbacks and get mega (and irresistibly) visible to the people you’re here to serve by doing your work at the highest possible level. So how do you do that?

Paradoxically, in order to stand out from that sea of sameness requires not doing more, but embracing doing LESS (just doing it from highly focused intention rooted in YOUR Signature Energy, Divine Geniuses and Ascended Masteries). 

To be more specific – you may be doing powerful work in the world, but you might still not be doing YOUR highest level work. 

Signs that you’re using all your energy swimming upstream:

  1. You know you’re helping people, but you’re frequently bored or resistant to the work that fills your days.
  2. You’re frustrated because you’re stuck in logistics mode all the time. 
  3. You’re doing ALL the heavy lifting in your business, leaving you little time to focus on your zone of genius. 
  4. Your clients are really far back on your journey instead of being right there. 

How do you get past this? You’ve got to let go and embrace the power of doing LESS in order to do MORE. 

Case in point, you may have noted that I’ve been highly focused in 2019 on a few specific offerings, placing many of my signature former programs into the vault for now. As a result of this intentional focusing, I have created more space for my opus level work and enjoying time with family. My level of fulfillment has increased along with the success of my work, my audience, and my impact. My current programs reflect my highest level work and keep me in my zone of genius and growth — I could run Divine Light Activation 500 more times and STILL continue to grow. 

There’s a high level of fulfillment that comes from ceasing the unconscious recycling of old work by kicking out old creations that don’t live in your sweet spot. This leaves you space to embody unity consciousness in your work, birthing brand new tools in the new paradigm that fully capitalize on YOU, YOUR Masteries and YOUR opus level contribution. 


Look over your catalog of programs and offerings and answer the following questions: 

  1. How many of your programs were created by a different version of you, perhaps one operating from a lower level of consciousness or vibration?  
  2. How many of your programs serve to advance your opus level work as you know it?
  3. If you were going to the moon (or a deserted island) and you could only take three of your offerings with you, which ones would make the cut?
  4. Is your work still growing you as a creator and as a leader?

Illusion Busting Mantra:

“I am ready to STAND OUT from the school of fish and STOP swimming upstream.

I will identify what I choose to let go of so that new, higher-level work has space to come in.”