Call in Next-Level Relationships

To Catapult Your Fulfillment & Success Across Every Sphere

Danielle Rama Hoffman and the guides

visionary heart activation


You are a Divine being on a one-of-a-kind mission.

Yet, you're not expected to do it all alone!

You have a team of aligned helpers (friends, colleagues, and your guides...) who can't wait to champion your mission.

Including us.

The Guides and I are bringing together a group of conscious leaders, experts, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and adepts (established and emerging) alike…

…and showing them exactly how to complete the old paradigm of relationships based on competition, lack, and inequality for good...

…and call in ALIGNED RELATIONSHIPS to skyrocket your fulfillment & success in all spheres of your work and life (meaningful community and magical mission—being in your greatest joy and the sweet spot of your visionary genius).

If you choose to join us, get ready to...


Can you imagine what calling in just one or two next-level relationships could unlock for your mission, vision, career, and quality of life?

You would:

  • Deepen your relationship with your Guides:

    By connecting to Source every day you’ll be able to tune into your most Divine frequencies and vibrations to achieve extraordinary feats like downloading aligned and best-selling bodies of work, writing your book in 24 hours by channeling the wisdom of the guides, taking physical plane life decisions with guidance from the spiritual planes

  • Create your dream team:

    Reach more individuals with your mission and multiply your bandwidth by operating exclusively within your zone of genius. You’d also unlock more time, money, and impact by leaving the rest to your A team (house cleaner-sitter, nanny, or gardener at home or virtual assistant, accountant, project manager at work) that you can completely trust to work in THEIR zone of genius (without overworking, overcommitting, compromising your precious energy, or being pulled into micromanaging by stepping in, to ensure everything is perfect—it WILL be!)

  • Be supported by rockstar leaders and colleagues:

    Tap into truly supportive and joyfully collaborative relationships where you’re meeting aligned folks who believe in and can forward your vision and mission, or are your energetic match, who allow you to open the doors to streams of aligned clients who can’t wait to work with you, endless referrals that sell out your programs (without worrying about being let down or having to compete with your colleagues!)

  • Be guided by visionary mentors:

    Smash your personal glass ceiling and jump timelines to surpass various levels of fulfillment and success FAST by unlocking the experience and expertise of the mentors most perfectly suited to support your vision

  • Call in the love of your life:

    Write your own love story and realize your unique version of happily ever after by calling in your true soulmate based on Source energy (without settling or lowering your standards and expectations)

  • Attract an aligned community:

    Be backed by a loving circle that will proudly be your biggest fans and wholeheartedly adore, endorse, and support everything you create and do


Basically? You’d be surrounded by the PERFECT relationships you need to achieve EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS across every sphere of your life.

So…Let’s make it happen.

Welcome, Divine Visionary!

Danielle here, and on behalf of Thoth and the Council of Light, I’d like to lovingly remind you that you are IRREPLACEABLE in this era of change and evolution of consciousness.

You are here to make a huge difference on a magically multidimensional level.

Nobody else can do what you do.

And you are on the precipice of making extraordinary quantum leaps in your spiritual evolution by realizing your unique heart vision and signature legacygetting crystal clarity on who you are and what you’re here to do. 

It’s time for you to create the extraordinary work and life you incarnated for—and the great news is, you aren’t expected to do it all alone.

Embody Your Divine Self


Relationships rule your reality. At every step and stage of your journey, relationships are central to the success of your mission in this lifetime.

And just like your mission is impacted by the quality of energy and the amount of time and money you can invest, its success also depends on the relationships it’s supported by. 

When fully realized, aligned, and actualized, your relationships can be your most prolific sources of abundance, joy, and evolution.

They can support you to create, design, and deliver your unique gifts to the universe, and they are pivotal for your potential to reach the next level of wealth, happiness, and success.

Your Relationships should feel Magical, NOT Mediocre

Yet, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes...

  • Showing up as a fully embodied multidimensional visionary in your relationships all of the time feels like a challenge–sometimes it feels like you aren’t doing your highest self and heart vision justice
  • Your vibrational frequency calls in sub-optimal relationships that disappoint you, instead of authentically aligned relationships that nourish and support you
  • A deep-rooted fear of rejection (losing love, being ostracized, leaving others behind) holds you back from expressing your true needs, desires, and boundaries and so you stay stuck and stagnant in relationships that aren’t serving and fulfilling you
  • You seek unnecessary permission and validation in your relationships and allow outdated beliefs, patterns, and ways of being to dictate your level—or lack—of success
  • You fall into relationships of convenience instead of calling in aligned relationships that perfectly match your evolutionary journey
  • Your success is limited by the quality of relationships that surround you and you are held back from fulfilling your visionary legacy

Whether it’s a partner that you’ve settled for even though your heart seeks its true soulmate, a friend that drains your energy and leaves you feeling unheard, or a team that needs to be hand-held and micromanaged to give you average results, there are so many ways you can be let down by your relationships.

Embody Your Divine Self


Traditionally, relationships have been wildly imbalanced and unfairly hierarchical. To access the Divine, it was believed that an intercessor was necessary. And, so, many sought out parents, priests, or partners to help them access what is their birthright.

Yet, the heart is a space of inclusion, not exclusion. You are Divine and so is everyone else. And your ability to embrace your Divine Self and your origin as a Being of Light is already innately within you.


"After completing The Visionary Heart Activation, I felt a complete shift in my spaciousness. It’s like someone took a shell off of me. A shell I had been wearing for many lifetimes. I feel renewed, more alive, more whole, more dimensional. A quantum shift indeed!"

Diana Musso


You simply have to accept the invitation to UPGRADE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS.

If you’re feeling ready right now…

RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO Danielle & the Guides in



A 75-minute (instant access) activation to tap into the highest vision of your heart & revolutionize your relationships (with self, others & Source) to equanimity & empowerment through partnering with Thoth and the Council of Light and activating your Visionary Heart…

…PLUS a 24-hour ‘ALIGNED RELATIONSHIPS’ Personalized Remote Energy Vortex…

…AND BONUS LIVE group Call with Danielle and the Guides
on April 24, 2025!

Ready to Upgrade Your Relationships?

This channeled Activation can…


    your hibernating Source codes and realize or rediscover the unique heart vision you’ve incarnated with for this lifetime and Aquarian age

  • Activate

    your most Divine frequencies and vibrations so you’re able to call in the fulfilling relationships you seek and that will most serve you

  • Recalibrate

    your vibration and energy to nurture a revolutionary relationship transformation with yourself, others and the universe

  • Shed

    damaging beliefs, power dynamics and patterns to unlock your Divine potential as a multidimensional visionary

  • Upgrade

    your relationships to your vision from a place of equality, alignment and unity consciousness


"The Visionary Heart Activation was a wonderful, uplifting experience and has literally changed my life and how I work in the world.I wish to say with all my heart, and all that is on my plate, that you have moved up to a top priority. I continue to listen to your activation over and over!"

Robi Nielsen

Here's how we'll roll...

You’ll receive immediate access to

  • a 75-minute channeled Activation, the Visionary Heart Activation—an ALL-TIME FAVORITE of our clients for its truly game-changing potency ($997 USD value)
  • a customized Multi-D (multidimensional) remote Aligned Relationships vortex—to help you focus on recalibrating your vibrational frequency to dramatically expand your capacity to call in aligned relationships.

    If you haven’t experienced these energy vortexes, you are in for a treat—this is one of Danielle and the Guides’ highest levels of mastery and worth the ticket of entrance alone even in our $25k and up advanced manifesting programs!

    Your personal Energy Vortex is created with your higher self, Danielle, and your guides remotely (your purchase of this masterclass & activation gives your permission) and initiates as soon as you have completed the Visionary Heart Activation. ($997 USD value)


…you’ll receive a Special Bonus invitation to a group channeling call with Danielle and the Guides:

Ascended Masters Playdate - LIVE CALL (with option to bilocate & listen to the recording whenever you want)

(Valued at $497 USD)

April 24, 2025
6:45 pm Paris / 9:45 am Los Angeles / 12:45 pm New York

To support the integration of your Visionary Heart Activation, you’re invited to take a seat at an upcoming live channeled Ascended Masters Playdate with Danielle and the guides (or bi-locate & tune into the replay if you wish)

    the greatest and latest channeled teachings from the guides
    on how to bring fulfillment to your personal life and the steps needed to further your mission
    potent energetic shifts and quantum leaps in your spiritual mastery
    as you tune in and calibrate with the guides’ frequency and light codes
    to the guides’ latest teachings on how to live in the new paradigm / ascension / unity consciousness
    completing old patterns and deepening your connection with Source
    with other difference makers and high vibe folks
    and together apply higher consciousness in an embodied way—you are part of the team on earth ro raise consciousness—let’s do it together!

Regular Investment $1497 USD

Investment: $297 USD


Meet Your Mentors

Danielle Rama Hoffman is the mentor lightworkers hire when they are ready to fully realize their divine mission and claim their seat as a thought leader through creating a difference-making—book, legacy business, and radiant life.

For over 25 years, through her advanced spiritual work with the Ascended Masters (Thoth, Isis, Magdalenes) she has been raising consciousness on the planet and assisting thousands of coaches, healers, and experts around the globe—from emerging practitioners to well-known 7 figure spiritual leaders—to do the same.

Danielle and the Guides are here to empower you to elevate your consciousness so you can transform lives, fully realize the mission you incarnated for while living a life of spiritual and material abundance.

Let’s lead the evolution in consciousness together!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When and how do I access the Activation?

    As soon as you claim your spot with the payment, you will have instant access to a 75-minute channeled Masterclass that guides you through the Visionary Heart Activation.

    Watch this masterclass on-demand as many times as you’d like to activate the Visionary Heart Activation again and again.

  • Is there any preparation I need to do for the Energy Vortex?

    Your accompanying Energy Vortex starts immediately upon completing your Activation. Your personal Aligned Relationships Vortex is created with your higher self, Danielle, and your guides remotely. There’s nothing you need to prepare to receive this potent energetic support besides be willing to receive.

  • When do I attend my LIVE group channeling call with Danielle and the Guides?

    Your live call, the Ascended Masters Playdate, will be on April 24, 2025
    6:45 pm Paris / 9:45 am Los Angeles / 12:45 pm New York

  • What happens if I can’t attend live?

    Schedules can be busy and we know it’s not always possible to attend live. The guides always advise that bilocating and tuning into the session is just as powerful. You will be sent a recording (with lifetime access)—so you can listen at a time that suits you.

Ready to UPGRADE
Your Relationships?

Relationships touch every area of your life and they can be a match made in the Akashic Records. You know what’s best for you so if you’re feeling this is a vibrational match we would be honored to partner with you to upgrade and call in your next-level relationships.