
Meet Terri Gervais

Although Terri Gervais had created her light-based business over a year ago, she had just been sitting on it, allowing it to hang out in the light realms until the time felt right to present her gifts and talents to others. 

When Divine Light Activation Business Upgrade was presented, she took a leap of faith, curious as to how it would impact her new business. 

Like many Conscious Leaders, Terri dealt with fears around visibility. She felt resistance and hesitation about stepping forward as the face behind her book and her Quantum Light Technology, through DLA Business Upgrade she was able to recognize that her work was also a light being, with its own voice in the decision-making process.

Connect with Terri Gervais


The results, she shares,  have been exponential! Not only has she resolved her past issues with visibility by facing a past life overlay that kept her in fear around being seen. 

What’s more? Terri has signed with a publisher and is finally completing the book she began back in 2014!

Suddenly, her work is falling into place without fear or hesitation. New light technologies and modalities are appearing effortlessly and she’s had her calls answered for a ‘hyper-expansive’ bandwidth with which to communicate with her partners in light. 

As if that wasn’t enough, Terri has also shifted out of spaces of major ongoing frustration and into trust with scribing, writing, and editing.  These holdbacks had been keeping her from enjoying and even fully engaging in her Divine Genius for a long time. 

Once DLA helped Terri discover the courage to be visible, she found potential business partners with complimentary Divine Geniuses and formed a team that has created an environment that has allowed her to bring forth her legacy work with ease and grace. 

What was most surprising to Terri?  She says it was the experience of feeling and embodying her business. 


The Restorative Superpowers of Diamond Grace

Thousands of years ago, life on Earth was characterized by ease, abundance, and beauty, which then gave way to an era of discord, strife, and difficulty. We are now returning to a time where each human is being summoned to realign themself with the highest qualities of source energy. Guided by Diamond Grace, author Terri Gervais channels messages to realign and restore you to your true radiance.

The pages of Return to Radiance are purposefully designed to create evolutionary change in how you perceive and interact with your life. Through a powerful series of meditations and activations, the eight facets of Diamond Grace are unearthed. These include nurturing and igniting physical radiance, as well as reconnecting to divine purpose and magnetizing wealth and wellness. By reclaiming these essential facets, you will journey back to wholeness, learning how to claim your truth, stand in your own beauty and experience a conscious life at its highest, most joyful level.

The time of Diamond Grace is now.
