Space of Potency

Space of Potency

Empower, Generate, & Realize Your Potent Purpose. Empowerment, Fertility, Potent.



This Divine Transmissions is designed to open the space for your full potency (potential, purpose, and power) to be remembered as you and through you now and always.


Be the empowered creator being that you truly are and generate the life of your choice. Occupy your full space and show up fully for yourself and as the infinite being that you are.

This transmission was recorded encoded with the energies, consciousness, divinity codes, initiations, transmissions and elevations that support you in a customized manner open up to remembering the space of the infinite being that you are. Please note the energies are full-on, so go into playing this with the same focus you would in receiving an initiation, energy session, Darshan, Shaktipat, Divine Transmission…

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