Real Life Case Studies
of Legacy Work Created

Stories of Appreciation
And results acheived
At Divine Transmissions we serve high achieving, highly conscious coaches-healers-mentors-leaders (entrepreneurs and spiritual growth folks) to embody their Divine self and create their legacy work (books, programs, businesses) with Source.
Read on to learn more about how Danielle, Thoth and the Council of Light have helped these following Entrepreneurs and Conscious Leaders discover their super-secret signature Divine Genius, rock their Divine-Mission 100%, download their books, programs and Opus works, become highly visible and lead legacy movements impacting the lives of thousands.
Know you're ready to take your first step on the path today?
Denise Ricard
"The Divine Light Activation was so transformational for me because it's about opening up all these different dimensions of who you are, who I am, and being able to call upon that energy, and bring that energy into my reality."

When I started working with Divine Transmissions I was in a marriage that wasn't working, in a job that didn't reflect my true gifts and had lost my sense of joy.
I am now happily divorced, moved into my own home, and created my legacy work, Galactic Numerology. I left my day job to start my business, Divine Cosmic Alchemy, developed the skill sets to scribe through speaking, writing, mediation on demand anytime, anywhere, and began speaking light language. I even discovered a passionate love affair with travel!
The financial investment has been worth every penny and beyond. In fact, I often think you can’t put a price on these programs because the transformation is so great.

The tools I learned from Danielle and Thoth were huge for me and ARE huge for me. I use them every single day of my life!”
Connect with Denise Field
Sophia Kryst
“With the help of Divine Transmissions in less than two years I have left my corporate career to become a master practitioner, opening an in-person studio where I offer my 3 opus level programs to perfectly aligned clients. What’s more, I created an intimate partnership with Source, downloaded a whole new body of work and earned 50K on my very first launch!”

Connect with Sophia Kryst
Raya Ma’at

Educational leader and spiritual entrepreneur fully steps into her power, increases her visibility (sold-out retreats, invitations to speak on global stages, authentically shining her spiritual leadership), births her legacy body of work (program, card deck, certification program), and has a direct line to source and divine guidance that will support her for the rest of her life

Connect with Raya Ma’at
Elizabeth Purvis
“There's a whole different level that comes through when you are partnering with Source in the way that Danielle and Thoth share, and it's really powerful to see. And it's just wonderful to have a container where I'm supported in being my divine nature.”
"Danielle's the best at what she does. One of the things I love and appreciate about her is how she really has a whole different level of Unity Consciousness mastered. She models her own teaching in a way that's really extraordinary.
Because of the Ascended Master Academy I have total clarity and receiving of my next level body of work. I know what they are. I know what the titles are. I just have to show up and allow them to come through. It's a whole next level of trusting and receiving it, because it's coming from the purest place. It's coming directly in partnership with Source. It’s a whole different ball game."

"It just gets to be easy. I can show up and allow what's coming through to come through...I know that by the end of the year, I will have three books written."
Connect with Elizabeth Purvis
Sheri Goodwin
“It's through the guidance of the many different courses I’ve taken with Danielle that I figured out that I can create my dream life through my gifts, talents, and passions. Now I am successfully running my dream business!”

When Sheri Goodwin first encountered Danielle, she was working full time at a high school, teaching PE and coaching cross country and track and field. She enjoyed it, but it didn’t fully light her up. She found herself counting the days until her next vacation.
“I would get done with the winter vacation and be counting down the days to the midwinter break. I got back from midwinter break counting down the days until spring break and then counting down the days to summer. I knew that if I continued to do this for the rest of my life I was going to be miserable.
Deep down I had this just inner knowing that there was something else out there for me. I needed to figure that out.”

Sheri knew she couldn’t sustain the life she was living so she began searching and started taking one class after another. Ultimately, she serendipitously encountered Danielle and Divine Transmissions and everything changed from there.
Sheri now runs a business called Transformational Trekking, started with the direct support of Danielle and Divine Transmissions programs, which trains women for life-changing adventures where she takes her clients' trekking and hiking all around the world.
Connect with Sheri Goodwin
Darlene Green
“Through my work with Danielle and Thoth I have unlocked my destiny, developed the capacity to connect with my guides, scribe on demand and have written three books, fulfilling my soul’s mission.”
“I want to make it really clear how extraordinary Danielle Rama Hoffman is. There are many people that are very gifted on this planet and that are supporting the evolutionary process that we find ourselves within right now. Danielle is one of these. She holds a capacity to be able to bring the light of the Divine present in a way that it catalyzes the process for her own students.
For anybody that is looking for guidance to their own soul's purpose, or looking to play their own soul song, I ask that you definitely consider working with Danielle, she truly is a master in form that works with the masters in light, and it is a gift beyond compare.”

Connect with Darlene Green
Terri Gervais

Through my experience with Divine Transmissions I’ve shifted from fear around stepping forward as the face of my work and being more visible into true trust and absolute confidence in my Divine Genius and scribed work.
I’ve developed my capacity for scribing, connecting with Source, receiving guidance and creating a solid relationship with Light Beings, created new bodies of work as well as a light technology/healing modality, started my business, scribed a book, overcame mega past life baggage and recently landed a publisher to bring my legacy work into the world!"

Connect with Terri Gervais
JoAnn Levitt
“Thanks to Divine Transmissions I downloaded, scribed, and published my books at the speed of light!”
Author Jo Ann Levitt works as a life coach and spiritual guide at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, leading programs and soul journeys for a resort.
Even before finding Divine Transmissions, Jo Ann was no stranger to a spiritual path. On the contrary, it has been the heart of her life experience. From growing up in the Jewish faith to spending 18 years on an ashram before embarking on an exploration of many spiritual paths, and finally converting to Christianity, Jo Ann has been on a life-long journey for a higher truth.
Regardless of the depths of her past energetic journey, she emphatically states that it would be a serious understatement to say that her relationship with Danielle and Divine Transmissions was simply a game-changer.

“Even to say that my life was turned upside down and the roots of my true Divine heritage revealed would be an understatement. There is absolutely no way to adequately describe my Before and After with Danielle, Thoth and the Divine Transmission team other than say I actually ended one whole existence on earth and launched into a totally new life.”
Connect with Jo Ann Levitt
Mary McMahon
"Danielle and Thoth were the keys I had always been searching for to unlock what was within me.

I originally sought out Divine Transmissions to gain clarity about my gifts and purpose, but understanding my Divine Genius was only the beginning!
In the end, I created my own light technology and started my own business. Through the support of Danielle and Thoth I continue to experience steadily increasing levels of joy and impact, found my cherished community of like-minded soul family and (if that wasn’t enough) celebrated my most successful financial year yet."

Connect with Mary McMahon
Monica Garaycoechea, M.D.
“In a few short months, I made more money than I did working for two years previously.”
Before Divine Transmissions, I was in “Survival Mode”, afraid of not having enough, burned out and resentful. Today I feel emotionally and financially independent! I jumped from survival… to feeling rich. I created a new program from a place of guidance, and the knowledge that it was already successful, and it was.
I have a new relationship with marketing, with my business, and I am more joyful in my work. I have a sense of support and confidence I never had before. I have an incredible sense of being of value and gave myself permission to put myself first and be supported. I lovingly ended a 15-year marriage and moved to a gorgeous new one-bedroom home in Costa Rica, with someone to clean it for me and cook me dinners while I am working.
I feel more connected with my higher self, with Oneness and with my gifts and talents.

Connect with Monica Garaycoechea, M.D.
Dr. Lisa Bogue
"I am in love with my life again, and so grateful to Danielle and Thoth and the team and my amazing classmates!!”

When I started Divine Light Activation, I was really struggling, with issues I thought I had healed. My usual approaches were not working, and I was at a bit of a loss. Divine Light Activation changed everything for me.
After every group call, I felt so much more aware of the fact that I had choices, and anything was possible.
I found a beautiful new office space close to home that I absolutely love. A part-time opportunity I had not previously considered also came up, and Divine Light Activation helped me find courage to work through the application process. I am thrilled with the atmosphere there, and the opportunity to work with a wonderful population. There is a very positive community vibe, which is something I had really been missing in private practice.

Connect with Dr. Lisa Bogue
Virginia Dofflemyer
"Through my work with Danielle and Thoth, I have developed the ability to scribe with Source, no need to edit!
Transformative is a small word that doesn't begin to express how much my life has changed, not to mention the life of my clients.
In fact, I just had my best year ever financially - by a huge margin!"

Connect with Virginia Dofflemyer
Christine Lucas
"Danielle creates containers for magic to happen.

Her programs and journeys allow individuals and groups to play and explore multi-dimensionally together. Because Danielle recognizes everyone as inherently whole (not broken or needing to be fixed), the old student-teacher paradigm matures into co-creative partnering and collaboration.
She encourages all participants to contribute their unique skills and abilities to the process. When given the environment to expand, evolve and cross-pollinate together, deeper levels of juicy amazingness are achieved across the board."

Connect with Christine Lucas
Delphine Rose
“I’m celebrating so many things actually, but I guess the main two are one my journey with my son right now.”
“I’m celebrating my first six-figure year, which feels huge after so many years. I’m feeling really happy with the programs I’ve created, the new pricing and the results clients are getting with more than 50% of them continuing to work deeper with me.
I love the upleveled energy of my business, my relationship with my business and embodying my next level of embodied sovereignty as a mom and CEO.”

Connect with Delphine Rose

"The Visionary Heart Activation was a wonderful, uplifting experience and has literally changed my life and how I work in the world.I wish to say with all my heart, and all that is on my plate, that you have moved up to a top priority. I continue to listen to your activation over and over!"
Robi Nielsen

"After completing The Visionary Heart Activation, I felt a complete shift in my spaciousness. It’s like someone took a shell off of me. A shell I had been wearing for many lifetimes. I feel renewed, more alive, more whole, more dimensional. A quantum shift indeed!"
Diana Musso

"During Divine Light Activation I experienced new realities that I never thought possible in this lifetime.
"Not just through learning, but also experiencing divine co-creative activity with Thoth, other divine beings and my fellow incarnate divine beings was nothing short of magical." Jeff honed his legacy message (his unique highest-level work that goes the distance) and received a contract to publish his book!
Jeff Spahn

"Divine Light Activation is a game-changer!
It provides clear pathways for engaging with key Divine energies while simultaneously experiencing yourself as a Being of Light Incarnate. Divine Light Activation also re-calibrates your conscious relationship with the Divine. It positions you to be in a full-on Divine partnership as you create from your Visionary Heart in a way that truly feels eye-to-eye, peer-to-peer, Divine-to-Divine."
Mary Elizabeth Anderson

"I discovered the Quantum Light Master Practitioner Program completely "by accident" and since then my life has sky-rocketed forward. Tapping into my previously hidden potential was a game changer for me. Ideas started clicking together and I started seeing paths where there was none before. I have become a Light Being Incarnate and tapped into previously hidden potential - which was a game changer for me! embodying my full multidimensional self into the physical form. It is not either spirit or body any more. Now it is both at the same time which gives me the best of both "worlds".
If you are positioned to take this course and it resonates with you, I can only wholeheartedly recommend it."
Michal Recka

"Before the Quantum Light Master Practitioner program began I did not feel complete and whole within myself. Now I walk in the light, with greater courage, trust and knowing of myself as a being of light incarnate. I feel in my power as never before!
There has never been a moment when I did not feel fully supported by this program. The front-loading of the activation videos/audios were precisely what I needed to fuel this journey and keep the trajectory and momentum going. The spacing of the calls felt gentle, yet held the integrity of my intentions by keeping me accountable and showing up. I am simply grateful beyond words!"
Soleah Dance

“My unequivocal view is that if one feels drawn to an on-site "adventure" of any kind with Danielle, to grab the opportunity with both arms! It has been an incredible, deeply resonant blessing.”
Brenda Barnes

“The Quantum Light Master Practitioner training has tremendously accelerated the timeline and progress of my spiritual development by many years and created a complete transformation energetically!”
John Hayward

“Danielle's taught me to trust and listen to myself and my team of guides. To feel when I was out of alignment with my purpose, and to nudge myself back into place. Now, I manifest the work I love more quickly, attract clients I enjoy working with all while having a wonderful time!”
Kelly Malone

“Both times I participated in Magdalene Codes, I added $200k, 2 x 200K = $400K.
I am definitely receiving more without doing more.
Plus, I have a million times more visibility on my mission and next steps. Thanks again!”
Andrew Gillesse
This Magdalene Codes Graduate, sold out her group program, added $22k + more time for self-care and travel.
Kathy Forest

If you are ready...
...To realize your Divine Self and create your opus level bodies of work and life AND experience the deep down to the bone fulfillment from fulfilling your highest-level Divine-mission...
We’ll get back to you ASAP with information on how you can take the first step on your path with Divine Transmissions today so that you can be on your way to creating the OPUS work of your DREAMS!
Kim Van De Sande
"In this powerful year of working with Danielle and Thoth, I have scribed and published my book, created two legacy programs, had my first high ticket clients and I am living and expressing my mission as I have never done before.

I feel so much love and gratitude for all I have received and accomplished by these powerful teachings that Danielle and Thoth bring forth. Before I joined, I had left my career in Architecture and had been a full-time mom for a couple of years, but the deep calling to share my unique gifts in a bigger way was becoming louder. Working with Danielle and Thoth has not only supported me to step more fully into my mission but also to start my business at opus level. In only one year I have scribed and published my book, created two legacy programs, and had my first high ticket clients join. These teachings not only amplified my magnetism but also expanded my consciousness and connectedness. It is such a powerful gift and blessing to work with Danielle and Thoth and I would recommend it to everyone who is ready to start at opus level!

Connect with Kim van de Sande
Eilis Philpott
I sold out my year-long healing program with soul-aligned clients and received higher fees. I received unexpected invitations to be interviewed, published articles, and had new photos taken. The Magdalene Codes is my absolute favorite program, I’ve done with you so far.”

Connect with Eilis Philpott
“My VISIBILITY and mission skyrocketed.
Sarah Chessa
“I went from leaking energy with anger and frustration about not being able to truly follow my soul purpose due to fear of others and being highly sensitive.

To now feeling safe in my body, energized, and experiencing the happiness of doing what I really feel called to do. Embodying my gifts in the day-to-day makes my life so much happier and more abundant.
I called in new clients and my sessions are having an even greater impact. I keep the Magdalene Codes open on my desk and feel their energetic support as I work with clients. It really helped me so much and shifted me so profoundly that I can see the positive impact it is having on me, my sessions, and clarity of mission.”

Connect with Sarah Chessa
Soleah Dance
The Codes have been this nourishing support system during a year of so much change, leaving the corporate world, selling and buying a house, and starting my own business.
It’s been a major uptick in my communion with nature and self-care, which has really allowed me to be in a place where what’s next can bubble up as opposed to being in the place of trying to figure things out or make things happen.
Things are so clear and I’ve lept into a whole new paradigm. The Codes have been such an integral part of this journey.”

“When I first heard of the Magdalene Codes, although I didn’t know why, every cell in my body lit up to say yes you’re doing that.
Katy McManus
“When I joined the Magdalene Codes I was new into retirement and was finding it hard to move out of the drive, drive, drive mode.

The Codes helped me shift into compassion for what comes as opposed to me driving and trying to control what comes.
My connection to nature, being embodied and movement has exponentially exploded.
I just turned 60 and am in the best shape of my life. I had some pictures taken and felt confident in sharing them to inspire others that 60 doesn’t mean shutting down.
I call in the Codes every day, connect to the glyphs and do the affirmations, which make it a very doable and enriching practice”

Connect with Katy McManus
Andrew Gillesse
“Both times I participated in Magdalene Codes, I added $200k, 2 x 200K = $400K. I am definitely receiving more without doing more. Plus, I have a million times more visibility on my mission and next steps. Thanks again!”